How do I approach someone who always interrupts me?
How you respond to conversational interruptions is a powerful indicator of your character, patience and approachability. Consider these five practices for approaching people who always interrupt you: 1. Press the “resume button”. When someone hijacks the conversation from you, make sure to return to where you left off. Depending on your relationship WITH and the personality OF the interrupter, your “resume button” could be: *Polite: “May I continue with…
How many relationships are you missing out on because you don’t know people’s names?
Names are everything. Your name is your truth. Your name is your identity. Your name is the very first (and, ideally) the ONLY label that you, as a human being, should be known for. For that reason, after 3,135 days of wearing a nametag, here’s what I’ve discovered: When people know each other’s names, the rules change. Wow, Scott, is ALL your material this deep? I know. Super obvious,…
The #1 Mistake Made by Most Thought Leaders – Even the Pros
“I believe this! I can do this! I want to try this!” That’s what your readers, listeners, viewers, subscribers and audience members need to think after they’ve been exposed to your ideas. That they can take action. In a non-legal sense, of course. Otherwise, your material, ideas and presentations are nothing but motivational garbage. Inherently impressive and interesting, yet clearly irrelevant and inapplicable. That’s the BIG mistake made by…
How long did it take you to launch your business?
I get that question a lot. And if I had enough time to give my (full) answer to everybody who asked, here’s how it would go: How long did it take you to launch your business? That depends on what you mean by the word ‘launch.’ If, by “launch” you mean, “Come up with your idea,” it took about three seconds. If, by “launch” you mean, “Realize that your…
A Guide to Treating People Beautifully
1. Be trusted to represent people’s interests, even when they’re not around. This will encourage people to confide in you, even when YOU’RE not around. PRACTICE: Don’t act embarrassed. If someone asks you a question about a potentially uncomfortable topic, don’t try to diffuse the discomfort by making a joke out of it. That tactic only works in reverse and makes the conversation more uncomfortable. Instead, work on your…
How to Give the Most Engaging & Educational Teleseminar EVER
1. Acknowledge the common fears of your listeners. Help them realize they’re not the only ones who are scared. Then, share that YOU were scared, and how you overcame it. 2. Give it away. As a Thought Leader, projecting a sense of scarcity isn’t attractive. Just dump every relevant fact. Fear not that your value will be reduced. 3. Be as detailed as possible. The more details you provide,…
How to Avoid Bombing Your Next 360 Evaluation
1. Demonstrate an awareness of how your behavior affects others. Without knowing how others experience you, you’ll never get any better. Too many leaders are guilty of a complete and utter unwillingness to understand how other people experience them. Partly because of their ego. Partly because they’re scared the feedback might be negative. And partly because they’re scared that the feedback will require them to (GASP!) change. This, I…
NametagTV: Boring = Bankruptcy
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9. Watch the original video on NametagTV! LET ME ASK YA THIS… How much money is being boring costing you? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called, “30 Ways to become the Most Interesting Person You Know,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the…
Scott’s Ginsberg’s Official Guide to Being More Consistent
You know my mantra: “Consistency is far better than rare moments of greatness.” The challenge is actually executing that virtue. Here’s how: 1. ACT in harmony with the way you see yourself. That’s the big assignment. And it’s not an easy one to take one. 2. ALIGN your responses with your values. That way you won’t have to try to remember what you said. 3. ASK what would be…
How do I approach someone who’s angry?
In David Lieberman’s bestselling book, Make Peace with Anyone, he explains that when someone responds negatively toward you, four possible motivations are at hand: (1) He’s a jerk to everyone, (2) He is threatened by you, (3) He thinks you dislike him, or (4) You’ve given him a reason to dislike you. This means the problem might not be 100% your fault. So, consider these six practices for approaching…