6 Little Known Ways to Elevate Your Entrepreneurial Edge
1. Decide how impatient you can afford to be. Being impatient might be the smartest decision your company could ever make. My first suggestion is to write the following two words on a sticky note: Just Go. That’s it. Just go. Be willing to look bad on the road to immortality. Plunge forward plan-less. And stop allowing the need for perfection to preventing you from doing, being and having…
How to be an Imperfectionist
About once a month, I get an email from a reader who kindly points out a typo in one of my books. This, in my opinion, is a victory. Because at least I know somebody’s reading. Other than my mother. And part of me wishes I’d thought to include those typos intentionally, just for the purpose of measuring readership. But I didn’t. The typos are there (not because I’m…
Get Rid of Your Reputation for Being an Unapproachable Boss Once and for All!
This month we’ve been exploring the “Impending Dangers of Inapproachability.” In part one, you examined five early warning signs. Today, let’s talk about how people might feel interacting with you if you are unapproachable: 1. People will be on guard around you. Because they feel tense. Self-conscious. Afraid to offend you. Walking on eggshells. Hesitant to set off your emotions. And the mental energy they expend on those fear-based…
Are You Using the Most Dangerous Word in Marketing?
In marketing, there’s ONE WORD that solidifies your failure: “Next!” Here’s why: People say “Next…!” when they cease to see value. People say “Next…!” when they’ve become hurried, harried or had enough of you. People say “Next…!” when they’re faced with too many choices and not enough time. People say “Next…!” when they’ve become tired OF or bored WITH their current option. Customers. Prospects. Prospective employers. Readers. Followers. Audience…
How to Make a Name for Yourself – Even if You Make a Fool of Yourself
1. Advance confidently in the direction of your dreams. Progressing towards anything else – graceful as you may look doing so – is a total waste of time, money and energy. Either relentlessly pursue the visions that possess you or go home. What continually deflects you from your certainty of purpose? 2. Ambition always looks good on you. Plus, it vortexes people in. It inspires and challenges people to…
What Everybody Ought to Know about Power
“Knowledge is power.” I agree. But that’s not all. Many other things are power too: 1. Action is power. Because most people TALK instead of DO. Which one do you do? 2. Awareness is power. Because it’s the first step toward mastery. What are you afraid to acknowledge the existence of? 3. Branding is power. Because if you don’t make a name for yourself, someone will make one for…
9 Voicemail Messages that Get Called Back EVERY Time
You can’t make people return your calls. All you can do is increase the probability that your phone will ring by becoming more “call-back-able.” So, whether you’re leaving voicemails with customers, coworkers, prospects, potential dates, employees, superiors, suppliers, students, volunteers – even complete strangers – the same principles and practices still apply. Here’s a list of nine ways to become more call-back-able: 1. Start with yourself. Think back to…
NametagTV: Sales Best Practices, Vol. 2
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9! Watch the original video on NametagTV! LET ME ASK YA THIS… How would you treat people if you weren’t working so hard to sell them? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called, “13 Roles of the Listener,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with…
Do You Recognize These Five Early Warning Signs of an Unapproachable Leader?
FACT #1: The only judgment your people can (honestly) make about you is how interacting with you makes them FEEL. FACT #2: If you’re not perceived and remembered as being approachable by the people you serve – I guarantee your organization WILL suffer. As such, there’s a myriad of impending dangers of inapproachability. We’ll be exploring each of them in this three-part series, along with a collection of practical…
18 Ways to become More Retweetable
You can’t make people retweet you. All you can do is increase the probability of getting retweeted by becoming more retweetable. Today, I’m going to tell you HOW. Not because I’m a Twitter Coach. Not because I’m a Social Media Expert (even though everyone and their mother claims to be one these days…) Nope. I’m just a guy who gets retweeted a lot. My name is Scott Ginsberg, aka,…