How Much Name Equity Do You Own?
Your name speaks before you do. Whether it’s your surname, nickname, company name, domain name, product name or username, the question you have to ask yourself is: “What do people think, feel, say or do when they hear your name speak?” Hear. Your. Name. Speak. So, maybe somebody: SEES your name in print. COMES across your name on Google. STUMBLES across your Twitter username. HEARS her friend invoke your…
Download Scott The Nametag Guy’s (Unofficial) 9th Book for Free, RIGHT NOW!
This book took exactly one year to write. I wrote it because it wanted to be written. I wrote it because I couldn’t (not) write it. I wrote it because I finally gave myself permission to be radically honest. I wrote it because I wanted to create a sequel to Make a Name for Yourself. That being said, I want you to have the book. For free. Right here….
9 Words to Eliminate from your Entrepreneurial Vocabulary
1. Answers. Overrated. Questions are all that matter. Here’s why: Questions advance sales. Questions change relationships. Questions contain energy. What’s more, questions are bridges, catapults and fuel. They create buy-in, earn respect, invite dialogue and transform organizations. When was the last time your precious answers did all that for you?? 2. Balance. It’s for ballerinas. Besides, you can be off balance and still be on purpose. That’s called alignment,…
How to Close the Gap between Your Onstage Performance and Backstage Reality
I have three questions for you: 1. Are the stories people tell about you the same stories you tell about yourself? 2. What’s the gap between how you want to be seen and how others experience you now? 3. And how does that gap between your onstage performance and your backstage reality affect the daily lives of the people you serve? Frustrated by your own answers? That’s not entirely…
How do I approach the office bully?
Every science class you’ve ever taken in your life will confirm the following biological truism: What feeds, grows. What starves, dies. The secret is to show bullies that you’re not an easy target. Ideally, they’ll eventually become tired and move on. If you don’t, taking their bait is letting them get away with it. Growing up with an older brother, I can attest to that. Bullies want attention and…
NametagTV: Frontline Best Practices, Vol. 2
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9! Watch the original video on NametagTV! LET ME ASK YA THIS… When was the last time you made your customers GASP? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called, “12 Ways to Out Service the Competition,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author,…
19 Do’s and Don’ts of Award Winning Entrepreneurship
DON’T allow people to make you feel bad for being awesome. DO personally amputate anyone who doesn’t believe in or support you. And surround yourself with people who love and inspire you. Who could you call at 2 AM? DON’T be so interested in creating a work of art. DO be interesting in becoming a work of art yourself. And just know that it’s never truly finished. What did…
Nine Ways to Leave a Legacy of Openness
1. Accept bad news without the need for sugarcoating. That way, your people can give it to you straight. They can feel comfortable reporting negative information without the fear of being reamed by your emotional reactivity. So, if you want this to happen, you have to demonstrate that you support failure. And a great place to start is by sharing a few of your own screw-ups FIRST. Sometimes that’s…
How to Gauge Your Entrepreneurial Readiness
When you’re willing to put it all on the line for something. That’s when you’re ready. When you find yourself constantly asking yourself, “What the hell am I still doing here?” That’s when you’re ready. When a stagnant existence in the throws of mediocrity no longer fulfills you. That’s when you’re ready. When you’ve worked so long and hard on something that you actually become sick of that thing….
6 Little Known Ways to Elevate Your Entrepreneurial Edge
1. Decide how impatient you can afford to be. Being impatient might be the smartest decision your company could ever make. My first suggestion is to write the following two words on a sticky note: Just Go. That’s it. Just go. Be willing to look bad on the road to immortality. Plunge forward plan-less. And stop allowing the need for perfection to preventing you from doing, being and having…