What Every Leader Needs to Know about Making a Name for Herself
Pablo Neruda once said, “You are the result of yourself.” When I first read that sentence, the architecture of my heart changed forever. You are the result of yourself. Wow. Since then, I’ve been thinking deeply about that very idea – and what it means to me. As a writer. As a leader. As a human being. Ultimately, I was so inspired by Neruda’s poem that I decided to…
5 Ways to Help Prospects Pursue You Like a Pomeranian in Heat
You can only darken people’s doorsteps so many times. Eventually, the goal is to position yourself so THEY pursue YOU. THEY meaning prospects ready to buy from you. THEY meaning followers prepared to be inspired by you. THEY meaning the media excited about interviewing you. THEY meaning key players interesting in partnering with you. THEY meaning customers stoked about doing business with you. Because – as much as you’d…
6 Secrets of Highly Pursuable Professionals
Who’s in hot pursuit of you? Professionally, that is. I don’t want this to turn into another episode of Cops. Anyway, if the answer is, “Not enough people,” consider these six strategies for becoming a more pursuable professional: 1. Be beautiful to listen to. Consider the last five vendors you’ve hired. Or the last five colleagues you’ve partnered with. Hell, even consider the last five people you’ve dated. Question:…
7 Ways to Revolutionize Your Own Life
1. Look first at what you’re not facing.. “When our lives are not working, there is always at least one thing we’re not facing,” wrote Gay Hendricks in Conscious Living, “and looking away from what you need to face burns more energy than actually facing it.” Ultimately, evading responsibility means claiming victimhood. A healthier perspective is to step back from your current problem, turn toward what needs to be…
8 Secrets to Carry Your Brand Further into the Marketplace
1. Attention without conversion is narcissism. Attention for the sake of attention feeds your ego. Attention for the sake of conversion – that is, building a following through your permission asset so your movement (not product) can make people’s lives better – feeds your wallet. The choice is yours. Remember: It’s not about the number of eyeballs that see you – it’s how much clearer those eyeballs can see…
10 Ways to Create an Aura that Makes You More Desirable without Wearing Pheromone Cologne
1. Attitude is the best asset. Especially in a down economy. My challenge to you is to approach recessions as opportunities to renew resourcefulness. By blaming the economy you evade responsibility and continue to NOT taking action. Instead, believe that greatness is near. Believe that behind every problem there’s a question trying to ask itself. And next time someone asks you, “Do these pants make my RUT look big?”…
How to Get Promoted Without Resorting to Screwing Your Boss in the Supply Closet
1. Learn how your work affects the bottom line. People want money, sex and happiness. Period. Take away all that Maslow’s Hierarchy crap, and that’s what you’re left with. Especially within an organization. The first move in your mission for advancement is to calculate the value of your achievements. To compute the profitability of your productivity. This might require some research, an interview or two, or, God forbid, having…
How to Make Yourself More Indispensable Than a Pair of Nose Plugs in a Hooters Bathroom
1. Insecurity is the great inhibitor. Insecurities are growth opportunities. “I don’t care how self-aware you get – there’s always more to learn,” says my coach Dixie Gillaspie. Once you get out of your own way, what else will be possible? 2. Mediocrity is the great deception. I hate to admit it, but sometimes mediocrity rises to the top. You can suck and still be rehired. You can be…
6 Ways to be More Creative than Thomas Edison on Acid
1. Brainstorming is the great time-waster. You don’t need another meeting. You don’t need another conference call. And you don’t need to spend another afternoon talking the life out of your idea. You need to take massive action. Today. Otherwise you’ll get hooked on the addictive power of brainstorming – when what you REALLY need is to smoke the sweet cheeba of execution. What consumes your time but isn’t…
How to Get Promoted Faster than a Wharton Graduate Working at a Wichita Waffle House
1. Prepare yourself to be promotable. First, shift from an attitude of need to an attitude of want. It’s healthier, more attractive and good practice surrendering. Second, acknowledge your own value. If you don’t, nobody else will. Third, exercise a high degree of conscious control in creating the career you want. Invite your goals into the bright light of awareness. And finally, believe you deserve and can handle abundant…