7 Unavoidable Conclusions that Will Change the Face of Your Career Forever – Or at Least Disturb the Hell out of You
1. Coincidence is the wailing whisper of truth. Because there is no coincidence. The Universe just packaged it that way to grab your attention. Otherwise you never would have noticed it. What’s more, coincidence is NOT “God’s way of remaining anonymous.” We all know who did it. We all know who’s at work. And it isn’t us. Coincidence is God’s nametag. Is it sticking to you? 2. Complacency is…
7 Effective Approaches for Handling The Office Criticizer without Using the Fire Extinguisher
Depending on the situation, you might try any of the following Phrases that Payses to diffuse their negative energy: 1. “You may be correct.” This phrase diffuses the energy behind someone’s attack and avoids threatening the attacker. And by giving an impression of active agreement – not passive acquiescence – you avoid adding fuel to the fire. What’s more, “You may be right” validates a particular part of someone’s…
Are You Making These Five Mistakes of Piss-Poor Execution?
My favorite scene in Steven King’s The Green Mile is when prisoner Eduard Delacroix and the Death Row guards rehearse their upcoming execution: “Walking the Mile, walking the Green Mile … I’m getting to my knees … I’m praying, praying … Lord is my shepherd and so forth and so on … I’m sorry for all the bad stuff I’ve done and people I’ve tramped on and I hope…
6 Ways to Transform Your Next Interview into a Marketing Presentation for Yourself – Without Coming Off Like Tony Robbins
When you walk in the door for your next interview, just remember: You’re not there to answer their questions. You’re there to articulate your fabulousness. You’re there to tell people what they need to hear to fall in love with you. You’re there to make it impossible for the interviewer to escape your awesomeness. IN SHORT: You’re there to deliver a marketing presentation for yourself. Not literally, of course….
12 Ways to Manufacture Your Own BIG Breaks as an Artist, Entrepreneur or Creative Professional – Even in a Recession
“I’m just waiting for my big break!” Really? Well, I hope you’ve got a good book to read. Because with a passive attitude like that, you’ll be waiting a looooooooooooong time. HERE’S THE REALITY: You can’t sit around waiting for your big break. You’ve got to learn how to manufacture your own big breaks by making yourself more “breakable.” Here’s how: 1. Define the word. The word break seems…
4 Ways to Help People Love Themselves More When They’re With You
The best way to get people to fall love with you is to help them fall in love with themselves first. After all, it’s not about being the life of the party – it’s about bringing other people TO life AT the party. Here are four ways to do so: 1. Be aware of the weight you have on people. A common mistake made by unapproachable leaders is forgetting…
How to Make Your Firm’s Services More Requested than Freebird at Florida State Frat Party
“Freeeeeeebirrrrrrrd!!!!!” There’s always ONE guy in the audience who HAS to yell it. Every time. Every concert. No matter where you go. Ah, Freebird. Without a doubt, the most requested song in music history. Interestingly, in 2005, WSJ ran an article that (finally) revealed the origin of this phenomenon: “Freebird is hardly obscure – it’s a radio staple consistently voted one of rock’s greatest songs. One version of the…
Have You Executed These Ten Essentials of Entrepreneurial Excellence?
1. The road to prestige is paved with pandemonium. Not everyone survives success. Becoming too successful, too early and too quickly will harm your health because although money loves speed – velocity creates stress. And stress kills people. At least that’s what I remember thinking to myself after my left lung collapsed and I spent a week in a hospital bed with a chest tube. Your challenge is to…
6 Ways to Honor Your Truth without Hating Yourself
You can’t make a name FOR yourself unless you honor the truth OF yourself. As I learned in the book, Honoring the Self: “The refusal to see what you see (and know what you know) is a betrayal of your integrity AND a commitment of treason to your own judgment.” What about you? How do you practice honoring your self, your truth? Let explore of a list of ways…
10 Ways to Avoid Being Labeled a Bullshit Artist
In the past few months, I’ve heard numerous people use the term “Bullshit Artist” in reference to certain individuals. And my personal policy is, whenever I hear a new word or phrase more than three times in three months, I research it. So, according to, and – and some helpful tweeters who shared their insights (thanks!) – the most prevalent definitions of a Bullshit Artist are:…