8 (More) Ways to Discipline Yourself to Write Every Single Day – Even When You’re Not in the Mood
Probably the most frequently asked question I get about writing and creativity is the issue of discipline. How do you become disciplined? How do you STAY disciplined? Since it comes up so often, I’ve be addressing this topic in a variety of posts lately. For now, this should get you started: 1. Shift your attitude toward writing. Your discipline will begin to kick in the moment you embrace the…
10 of Our Culture’s Most Cherished Clichés – and Why They’re Total Lies
1. 80% of life isn’t showing up – it’s FOLLOWING THROUGH. That you show up is eclipsed by the importance of HOW you show up. People respond to the sum total of what you present to them. Positively, negatively, or not at all. It all depends on how you show up. The problem is, people often shrink from showing UP because they’re terrified of being accused of showing OFF….
Have You Pierced These Six Veils of Success?
1. Writing is blood in disguise. Sit down, slice open a vein a bleed your truth all over the page. That’s my official definition of writing. And after publishing ten books and a thousand articles, here’s what I’ve discovered: Writing in blood is a huge time saver. Think about it. If you approach the writing with that mindset, you don’t have to waste valuable hours editing. Because you can’t…
8 Marketing Lessons Learned from My Spam Folder
Email spam – while annoying, unethical, sexually graphic and a colossal time waster – IS quite entertaining. It’s also a consummate example of smart marketing. Recently, I spent some time perusing the 1,385 messages in my spam folder. Not surprisingly, patterns began to arise. So, I extracted a collection of subject lines and headers that either grabbed my attention, made me laugh, or caused my body to react in…
11 Contrarian Comments that Will Make You Squirm in Your Seat and Probably Hate Me
1. Don’t go where the money is – going where the money is going. Think Gretzky: He always skated where the puck was going. 1,016 goals later, the entire world calls him – and ONLY him – The Great One. This is not coincidence. Just strategy. Anticipatory thinking. It’s predicting the future. Are you thinking ten years out? 2. Faith doesn’t move mountains – faith IS the mountain. In…
6 Ways to Discipline Yourself to Write Every Day – Even If You’re a Perfectionist and/or a Lazy Bum
1. What techniques can you suggest for getting ideas out of your head and linking them? First, write Morning Pages. I know that tends to be my answer for everything, but I’m serious when I say it’s the most crucial component of ANY writer’s creative practice. Start them tomorrow. Second, here’s the approach I use regularly. Go to Office Depot. Buy a box of index cards. Write one idea…
Clients Who Executed
Scott’s mentoring program helps entrepreneurs, businesspeople, artists and writers around the world take their ideas and execute them into “I dids.” But instead of reading a bunch of fluffy testimonials, see what a few of clients actually did: Evan Levine Chrissy Scivicque Wendy Gauntt Dixie Gillaspie Robert Fishbone Do you need an expert to tell you what you should do, or a mentor to help you tell yourself what…
NametagTV: Get Customers Addicted
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9! Watch the original video on NametagTV! LET ME ASK YA THIS… Why are your customers addicted to you? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called, “26 Ways to Out Brand the Competition” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Coach,…
How Writers and Creative Professionals Can Get Rid of Their Discipline Problems Once and for All
I get a lot of questions from readers, audience members, fans and followers about discipline. Not because I’m an “expert” on discipline. More because I AM discipline. From wearing a nametag 24-7 – to exercising and meditating daily – to starting work at five AM – to writing seven hours a day … I guess discipline is kind of my thing. I blame my mom for this. She’s 30-year…
Contact Scott
Everyone communicates differently. I am available and at your service and via whatever channel you prefer to use the most. Take your pick: If you’re a phone person, here’s my mobile: 314/374-3397. If you’re a text person, send a message to my cell: 314/374-3397. If you’re an email person, here’s my address: [email protected] If you’re an instant message person, here’s my Google ID: hellomynameisscott. If you’re a Skype person, here’s my…