NametagTV: Get Customers Addicted
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9! Watch the original video on NametagTV! LET ME ASK YA THIS… Why are your customers addicted to you? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called, “26 Ways to Out Brand the Competition” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Coach,…
How Writers and Creative Professionals Can Get Rid of Their Discipline Problems Once and for All
I get a lot of questions from readers, audience members, fans and followers about discipline. Not because I’m an “expert” on discipline. More because I AM discipline. From wearing a nametag 24-7 – to exercising and meditating daily – to starting work at five AM – to writing seven hours a day … I guess discipline is kind of my thing. I blame my mom for this. She’s 30-year…
Contact Scott
Everyone communicates differently. I am available and at your service and via whatever channel you prefer to use the most. Take your pick: If you’re a phone person, here’s my mobile: 314/374-3397. If you’re a text person, send a message to my cell: 314/374-3397. If you’re an email person, here’s my address: [email protected] If you’re an instant message person, here’s my Google ID: hellomynameisscott. If you’re a Skype person, here’s my…
7 Ways to be Worthy of Your Customer’s Checkbook
I was eating sushi when it happened. My friend Gil Wagner was expressing frustration about a colleague of his. Finally, his rant came to an end with the following comment: “I love her to death,” Gil said, “but I just can’t see anybody writing her a check.” I almost choked on my Spicy Tuna Roll. I can’t see anybody writing her a check. Ouch. THAT’S not good for business….
7 Ways to become Your Own Authority Figure Without Using Pepper Spray
Cops. Judges. Parents. Teachers. Clergy. Chiefs. Experts. Administrators. Gurus. Leaders. Presidents. Politicians. Soldiers. Scientists. Robert DeNiro. These are the authority figures we’ve been taught to show respect TO and take advice FROM. Now, for the most part, I don’t disagree. The only stipulation I’d suggest is that you add one more person to your list of authority figures: Yourself. HERE’S WHY: The word authority derives from the Latin word…
13 (more) Things That Don’t Really Exist, No Matter How Many Lies You’ve Been Conditioned to Believe
Last time you read a list of things that don’t (really) exist, why they don’t exist, and what exists in their place. Today, I have more: Thirteen additional items that don’t (really) exist. Read them at your own peril… 1. “Must see” doesn’t exist. That’s just fancy, coma-inducing marketing language for, “Please addict yourself to our crappy programming so our advertisers don’t come to their senses and stop wasting…
Are You Wasting Your Hard Earned Money Chasing After These 13 Things That Don’t Really Exist?
Have you ever found yourself arguing about whether or not something (really) existed? I don’t mean existential ideas like God or space or reality. I’m talking about simple, basic things we encounter every day. Do they (really) exist, or has the steady stream of illusions veiled the truth from us? GOOD NEWS: I’m here to set the record straight. Below is a list of things that don’t exist, why…
Are You Sculpting These Four Muscles of Approachable Leaders?
1. Energy is the best attractor. People might not remember what you said – but they’ll never forget how your energy made them feel. That’s what brings them back for more of you. That’s what causes them to tell everyone they know about you. Whether or not your forcefield of aliveness helped them fall in love with themselves. How do you make people feel essential? 2. Execution is the…
Do You Embody These 12 Attributes of Utterly Unequalable People?
Every Thanksgiving, I take a Gratitude Walk. Usually through Forest Park in St. Louis. It’s spectacularly crunchy and colorful in the fall. This past year, I took a break about halfway through my walk for a brief sitting meditation on a nearby park bench. As I sat down, I noticed a gold plate fastened to the top. It read the following: “In memory of Benjamin Harris Wells. The world…
6 Ways Make Yourself into Human Lightning Rod of Creativity – Without Scorching Your Skull or Frying Your Fro
According to the U.S. National Weather Service, the odds of being struck by lightning in your lifetime are 1 in 6,250. I like those odds. In fact, I believe that’s the BIGGEST secret to a successful creative practice. Making yourself more strikeable. I first learned about this concept from my pal, Don The Idea Guy. Possessing creative powers beyond those of mere mortals, Don rescues those in need of…