How to be Less of Putzbag in a Group Meeting
There’s nothing more annoying than someone who has all the answers. Especially in a group setting. I met a guy like this last year. Spent the whole day with him. Dude drove me up the wall. In fact, based on the body language of the other eleven group members, I think he drove them up the wall too. Hell, we should’ve just had the meeting on the wall. Anyway….
Watch Scott Write — 1.24.10
People often ask me about my writing process. So, instead of trying to explain it, I thought I’d just show it. This is the second in a series of writing sessions (4-hour time lapse down to 9 minutes!) of my unparalleled content generation, content management and content deployment systems. Episode 2 — 1.18.10 Soundtrack — “Vampires” by Thievery Corporation from “Radio Retaliation.” Watch other episodes on the playlist @…
How to Stand Out During a Job Interview
Watch the original interview on KSDK-5! LET ME ASK YA THIS… What makes you an approachable leader? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For the list called, “7 Ways to Radically Raise Receptivity of Those You Serve,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur [email protected] Never the same speech twice….
7 (Not So) Harsh Realities of Entrepreneurship
1. Actions are antidotes. Mainly, to the fears you think are real. Which aren’t. Because they’re fears. And fears are only as real as your fear of them. Like the schoolyard bully whose sole source of power is your fear of him, most fears melt into a puddle of goo when you stand up to them. That’s the action part. And it’s contrary to FDR’s philosophy that the only…
10 Simple Secrets Smart Entrepreneurs Know — And Broke Entrepreneurs Ignore
1. Put your money where your foot is. Mouths don’t do anything but eat and talk. And occasionally drool. Feet, on the other hand, are profit centers. No wonder so many successful entrepreneurs have corns and calluses: It’s all about mileage. It’s all about asking the question, “What’s the next action?” Remember: Your feet are your balance sheet’s best friend. Better engage your pedometer. Profitability comes from steppability. What…
How to be a Harder Act to Follow than a Playboy Fashion Show at Folsom State Prison
PICTURE THIS: You just watched somebody give a speech. Or present an idea. Or share a story. Or tell a joke. Or voice their opinion. And it was so good, so interesting, so engaging and so entertaining, that your immediate response was to whisper to the guy sitting next to you, “Man, I’d hate to have to follow THAT…” Have you ever wondered HOW people do that? How they…
3 Ways to become More Hireable
You can also watch the original version on KMOV’s website! LET ME ASK YA THIS… What makes you an approachable leader? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For the list called, “7 Ways to Radically Raise Receptivity of Those You Serve,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur [email protected] Never…
5 Ways to Shake Hands with Yourself
Sometimes we forget who we are. So much so, that we almost need to reintroduce ourselves to ourselves. Here are five ways for doing so: 1. Develop an orientation toward self-confrontation. I never placed much value on self-confrontation until I started doing yoga. Talk about instant reeducation. I quickly discovered that when you’re faced squarely with your half naked body in a full-length mirror in the company of forty…
The Bloody Writer’s Guide to Crafting More Honest Material, Part 2
Yesterday we explored five ways to write more honestly. Here are six more: 1. Listen to your body. If your words are felt in the body – your body mainly, but also the bodies of your readers – well done. That’s what honesty feels like. Pings. Blood flushes. Chills. Spine tingles. Neck hair stand-ups. Jaw drops. Eye wideners. Speechlessness. Laughs. ESPECIALLY laughs. The point is: Emotion is the final…
The Bloody Writer’s Guide to Crafting More Honest Material, Part 1
My definition of writing is as follows: “Slice open a vein and bleed your truth all over the page.” KEY WORDS: Vein, blood and truth. As opposed to “brain, ink and bullshit.” Let’s explore eleven ways to write more honestly – five today and six tomorrow. 1. First, honor yourself. All the techniques in the world won’t make you an honest writer if your attitude and intentions are misguided….