NametagTV: Enemies of Marketing
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9. Watch the original video on NametagTV! LET ME ASK YA THIS… What are your enemies? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called, “88 Questions Every Marketer Should Ask,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur [email protected] The world’s FIRST…
8 (More) Marketing Lessons Learned from My Spam Folder
Email spam – while annoying, unethical, sexually graphic and a colossal time waster – IS quite entertaining. It’s also a consummate example of smart marketing. Recently, I spent some time perusing the 1,385 messages in my spam folder. Not surprisingly, patterns began to arise. I extracted a collection of subject lines and headers that either grabbed my attention, made me laugh, or caused my body to react in ANY…
8 Ways to become the ONE Person at Your Company Everyone Wants to Sit with at Lunch
1. Don’t be a needle in a stack of needles. You will lose. And here’s why: Nobody notices normal, nobody buys boring and nobody pays for average. Period. Amen. Q.E.D. As such, your greatest barrier to business success isn’t a bad economy, stupidity, inexperience, or lack of funding – it’s anonymity. Therefore: Stop winking in the dark and start being ubiquitous. Perhaps begin by formulating a Visibility Plan. Not…
Watch Scott Write — 2.4.10
People often ask me about my writing process. So, instead of trying to explain it, I thought I’d just show it. This is the second in a series of writing sessions (4-hour time lapse down to 8 minutes!) of my unparalleled content generation, content management and content deployment systems. Episode 3 — 2.4.10 Soundtrack — “Light Through the Veins” by Jon Hopkins from “Insides.” Watch other episodes on the…
Are You Guilty of Succumbing to These Six Seductive Disguises of Success?
1. Ambiguity is opportunity in disguise. Love it. Welcome it. Embrace it. And know that NOT knowing paves the way for glorious and unimpeded progress. How do you act when faced with ambiguous situations? 2. Art is infection in disguise. That’s your job as an artist – to infect people. To approach your canvas as a syringe, pumping all who see it full of 300 cc’s of your truth….
7 Ways to Draw Admirers into Your Orbit without Developing a Messianic Complex
An orbit is the gravitationally curved path of one object around a point or another body. Usually, the word is used in reference to astronomy. Not today. Science class, schmience class. AS A THOUGHT LEADER: Your mission to draw admirers into YOUR orbit. Your halo of genius. Your vortex of value. Your whirlpool of fascination. Your gravitational pull of brilliance. That’s what Smokin’ Hot Pieces of Brain Candy do….
13 Ways to Call Bullshit on Yourself
I was in the middle of yoga class when it happened. Ouch … Crap … I can’t do this … I should quit … Maybe I’ll just sit out until the next posture … “Bullshit,” said a voice from within, “You can do this.” I met my eyes in the mirror, drew a deep inhale and relaxed into exertion. Five seconds left. “Change,” said the instructor. Exhale. I did…
The Cure for Cobbler’s Children Syndrome, Or, How to Take Your Own Advice
Bad news. You are not impervious to the peril you advise others against. If you’re a teacher, writer, speaker, coach, consultant, thought leader (even a parent), admitting that you need to take your own advice – and then, actually TAKING that advice – can be about as enjoyable as getting kicked in the face with a golf shoe. THE POINT IS: We teach what we most need to learn….
NametagTV: Put Customers at Ease
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9! Watch the original video on NametagTV! LET ME ASK YA THIS… Are you putting customers at ease? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called, “26 Ways to Out Brand the Competition” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur…
If You Still Have Execution Problems After Reading This Blog Post, You’re Either Drunk, Braindead — Or I’m a Terrible Writer
People frequently ask me how I manage to be so productive. My answer is very logical and simple: 1. No meetings. 2. No employees. 3. No interns. 4. No busywork. 5. No filing. 6. No copying. 7. No excuses. 8. No hurdles. 9. No bullshit. 10. No bureaucracy. 11. No asking permission. 12. No begging for forgiveness. 13. No items to submit for approval. 14. No extraneous layers of…