How to be a Great Chooser
Sometimes the best choice is the decision to stop choosing. I learned this from The Paradox of Choice, which suggested the following: “Don’t allow the number of available options to significantly impact your decision-making.” Instead, try this: 1. Find something that’s good enough. 2. Meet your own standards. 3. Look no further. 4. Let the countless other available choices become irrelevant. Otherwise you get snared into an endless tangle…
6 Ways to Win the Battle for Enoughness
“When will you have done enough to be happy with who you are?” My mentor first asked me that question when I was twenty-three. As I recall, I didn’t much care for it. Probably because I wasn’t (yet) secure in my selfhood. I hadn’t (yet) won the battle for enoughness. Now, seven self-actualized years later, I’m a bit closer. Not fully there, but closer. Here are a few things…
How to Move Forward
Determination alone fails. Just watch American Idol. Every one of those kids is determined to become the next international pop sensation. Too bad their singing voices sound like donkey farts. HERE’S THE REALITY: Progress is the product of attitude, focus, impatience, imperfection, avoidance and courageous action. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, salesperson, organizational leader or simply a person who’s tired of sweating it out on the treadmill of life, here…
If You Seriously Can’t Execute (At Least) One of Your Ideas After Reading This Blog Post, Then I Am Just Going to Snap
I’m not an angry person. My feathers err on the side of unruffleable. But I am human. I do get emotional. And if there’s one thing that makes me want to slowly rip each of my toenails off with a needle nose pliers dipped in sulfuric acid, it’s people who spend their time flapping their gums instead of shuffling their feet. To coin a phrase: The executionally deficient. But…
When Knowing How Doesn’t Matter
In 2001, I had no idea how to put out a book. But I published HELLO, my name is Scott anyway. And by some miracle, it found its way to CNN and USA TODAY. In 2003, I had no idea how to set up (or sustain) a blog. But I started HELLO, my name is Blog anyway. And by some miracle, it won a Top 100 Business Blog Award….
Don’t Even Think About Sending Another Message to Your Customers Until You’ve Asked These Nine Questions
97%. According to a 2009 Microsoft Security Report, that’s the percentage of sent emails that are unwanted. THINK ABOUT IT: If you add up all the spam you received yesterday, plus the hundred or so emails you received from people you don’t know selling you things you don’t want, plus the additional hundred emails from customers, coworkers, superiors, employees, friends and family members that were completely inconsequential and utterly…
The Nametag Guy Live: Workshop Clips from The Smart Jewelry Show, April 2010
LET ME ASK YA THIS… How are profiting from insanity? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For the list called,”11 Ways to Out Market the Competition,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Mentor [email protected] Never the same speech twice. Always about approachability. Watch The Nametag Guy in action here!
How to Create an Unfair Advantage for Yourself without Taking Steroids
Life isn’t fair. You’ve been told this since you were a kid. I’m here to tell you something different. But don’t worry. I’m not suggesting you cheat. I’m not suggesting you commit a crime. I’m not suggesting you pump your veins full of steroids. JUST REMEMBER: You can play the “life isn’t fair card” and wallow in your self-pity, or, make a conscious to join forces with the unreasonableness…
The Smart Entrepreneur’s Guide to Finishing What You Started
Anybody can start. Starting cost little money. Starting involves limited risk. Starting requires minimal stamina. But starting isn’t how you win. You only win when you execute to completion. And that’s the big problem: Execution is uncomfortable and inconvenient. Today you’re going to learn how to finish. Whatever project you’re working on, whatever endeavor you’re committed to and whatever idea you’re drumming up, here’s how to lean into the…
6 Ways to Rally without Being Ready
Let’s start with the bad news: You’ll never be ready. You’ll never be smart enough. You’ll never be mature enough. You’ll never be prepared enough. You’ll never have enough time. You’ll never have enough money. You’ll never have enough experience. You’ll never be ready. But don’t be discouraged. TRUTH IS: Nobody’s ready. Nobody’s ever been ready. If they were, they would have taken action earlier. Which brings us to…