The Cowardly Lion’s Guide to Cultivating a Courageous Creative Spirit
Creativity isn’t about what you create – it’s about how you create it. It’s about the mindset. The process. The posture. Those are the non-negotiable elements comprise your courageous creative spirit. Which fuels your creative process. Which accelerates your creative output. Which solidifies your creative success. Here’s a list of ideas to cultivate that spirit, even if you’re not a lion: 1. Live in an atmosphere of encouragement. Where…
9 Ways to Turn Your Pipe Dream into a Dream Come True
To execute is to put to death. THAT’S THE KILLER QUESTION: What do you need to murder in your life that’s preventing you from taking action? Excuses? Illusions? Assumptions? Procrastination? That annoying neighbor whose home cooking smells like hot trash? Regardless of your situation, everyone can benefit from a few execution lessons. Here: Your first session is on the house. 1. Finished is the new perfect. Perfect is boring…
How to Roll with the Punches without Getting a Bloody Nose
“Your attitude is the only difference between an ordeal and an adventure.” That’s the mantra of my friend Rusty, lifelong native of Gulfport, Mississippi. He has that quotation framed in the entryway of his houseboat. Which, by now, is probably filled with oil. “It sure helped me get through Katrina,” he said as he prepared our shrimp dinner a few weeks back. “And it’s sure as hell going to…
Are you puking thoughts at people or sharing messages with people?
There’s a reason you’re not getting through to people. Your members. Your customers. Your associates. Your volunteers. Your employees. Your congregants. Your constituency. IN SHORT: The people you serve on a daily basis. Have you been wondering why nothing you say seems to stick? HERE’S ONE REASON: You’re not packaging your thoughts into messages. That’s the secret to both listenability and retainability. And the first step is to identify…
The Approachable Leader’s Handbook of Being Heard, Vol. 1
For those of you human beings out there (and I think you know who you are) here’s a quick list of assumptions. You want to be: Valued. Needed. Wanted. Affirmed. Appreciated. Accepted. Respected. Recognized. Remembered. Taken seriously. Given a chance. Part of something that matters. IN SHORT: You want to be heard. Because if you’re not – if people can’t hear you – they can’t follow you. And if…
NametagTV: More Phrases That Payses
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9! Watch the original video on LET ME ASK YA THIS… What are your Phrases That Payses? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called, “12 Ways to Out Service the Competitionl,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur [email protected]…
How to Smoke What You’re Selling
I don’t do drugs. But if I did, I would make damn sure that my dealer was someone who regularly used – and enjoyed – the same drugs he sold to me. THINK ABOUT IT: Wouldn’t you prefer to buy something from someone who’s tried it before? And, look, I understand that you’re not a drug dealer. Anymore. But you are a leader. Even if your job title doesn’t…
How to Create Something Worth Being Criticized
If you’re not polarizing, you’re not monetizing. If you’re making people react, you’re not making a difference. If everybody loves what you’re doing, you’re doing something wrong. THAT’S YOUR CHALLENGE: Create something worth being criticized. Otherwise you’re boring. Just another slice of average cut from the mediocre multitude. Otherwise you’re ignored. Just another non-entity in the infinite grey mass of blah blah blah. Otherwise you’re forgotten. Just another flash-in-the-pan,…
7 Ways to Convert Inertia into Demonstrable Forward Momentum
Execution isn’t a hobby. It’s an effort. It’s an attitude. It’s an approach. It’s an imperative. And I know I write about it a lot. In fact, you might even be sick of hearing about execution. Too bad. Inertia is a pervasive, expensive, urgent and real problem – in business and in life. Here’s a list of eight (more) practices for converting your inertia into demonstrable forward momentum: 1….
9 Ways to Make Your Company More Human
“Nothing should be called good that fails to enlarge our humanity.” Marcus Aurelius. Meditations. Twelve hundred years ago. Too bad more companies aren’t living that philosophy. Especially now. As technology accelerates to shocking velocities. As competition saturates to near-commoditized levels. As customers and employees become more isolated and disengaged. NOBODY CAN ARGUE: Being human is good for business. People demand it. Customers expect it. Employees deserve it. And trust…