Watch Scott Write — 7.12.10
This is the sixth video in a series of writing sessions (4-hour time lapse down to 6 minutes!) of my unparalleled content generation, content management and content deployment systems. Episode 6 — 7.12.10 Watch other episodes on the playlist @! LET ME ASK YA THIS… What did you write today? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For the list called, “10 Ways to Out Write the Competition,” send an email…
How to Draw a Crowd Without Making a Scene
“They don’t care if you’re good – they care if people come.” That’s how my friend Judson described the business of booking college comedy tours. It’s not about aptitude – it’s about attendance. It’s not about information – it’s about expectation. It’s not about getting laughs – it’s about filling seats. It’s not about the ability to perform – it’s about the capability to draw a crowd. THE BEST…
How to Commit with Both Feet
Although I started wearing a nametag in 2000, it wasn’t until 2005 that I officially got the nametag tattooed on my chest. Interestingly, that was also the same year my company started making money. Huh. Weird. I guess that’s what happens when you commit with both feet: The world doesn’t just pay attention – it pays dividends. And not just financially. Additionally, when you commit with both feet: You…
How to Translate What You Know into Action
You don’t need more ideas. Especially because: Your body is tired. Your brain is overloaded. Your notebook is already full of new ideas. The tricky part is translating what you know into action. BECAUSE THE REALITY IS: You don’t need more intellectual capital – you need more executional velocity. Here’s how to convert what-you-now-know into what-you-will-do:1. Creativity is only the beginning. What matters is what you convert your creativity…
How to be Timeless, Part 2
“What scares you?” That was the question I asked my group. The first answer came from Cameron. And I remember feeling my gut drop to the ground as soon as the following two words came out of his mouth: “Becoming irrelevant.” Good lord. What a terrifying concept for any entrepreneur to entertain. Especially in the minds of your clients, in the eyes of the media and in the opinion…
How to be Timeless, Part 1
“What scares you?” That was the question I asked my group. The first answer came from Cameron. And I remember feeling my gut drop to the ground as soon as the following two words came out of his mouth: “Becoming irrelevant.” Good lord. What a terrifying concept for any entrepreneur to entertain. Especially in the minds of your clients, in the eyes of the media and in the opinion…
7 Ways to Hustle While You Wait
The Seven Dwarfs never had to deal with a recession. They suggested you whistle while you work. Which is a great philosophy, unless you’re not working. Then what? SHORT ANSWER: Hustle while you wait. That’s what Edison preached and, more importantly, practiced. A thousand patents later, his disciplined work ethic paid off and paid well. THE CHALLENGE IS: Executing what matters while waiting what’s coming. Here’s how to hustle…
NametagTV: Raise Your Retweetability
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9! Watch the original video on LET ME ASK YA THIS… How many retweets do you get per day? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called, “10 Ways to be More Retweetable,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Mentor…
How to Back Off and Let the People You Love Figure Things Out On Their Own
“Is it your place to fix this?” That’s the question you have to ask yourself. Especially when someone you love finds themselves on the precipice of disaster. Sometimes you have to back off. Yes, it requires great emotional restraint. Yes, it requires significant self-control. But if you don’t let people come to their own conclusions, make their own decisions and make their own mistakes, you fractionize their experiences and…
How to Stay Accountable to Yourself When There’s Nobody Around to Hold Your Feet to the Fire
You can’t beat self-employment. Working from home. Working in your pajamas. Working your own schedule. Working the way you want to. No commute. No office politics. No pointless meetings. No bosses breathing down your neck. Sounds like a dream job, right? Well, it is. Most of the time. EXCEPT FOR ONE PROBLEM: You’re the only person who can hold yourself accountable. And if you don’t hold your own feet…