10 Strategies Stop Acting Like an Expert and Start Being a Thought Leader
This is all Google’s fault. Think about it: We have unlimited shelf space on which to share our ideas. We have ubiquitous and instantaneous access to infinite knowledge. We have completely democratized information, entertainment and media. We have shattered the barriers to entry for previously impossible endeavors. And we have allowed choice saturation to flatten the playing field, thus making thousands of niches as economically attractive as the mainstream….
6 Things Most Young Leaders Overlook
You can know the business. You can understand the people. You can master the technology. But if you’re not the world’s expert on yourself, succeeding as a young leader is going to feel like boxing an iceberg. Today we’re going to explore seven personal and professional development strategies that most young leaders overlook: 1. Don’t be stopped by not knowing how. “But I’m not ready. I don’t know what…
What It Feels Like to be an Impostor and to Overcome It Like a Champ
There must be some kind of mistake. I can’t believe this is my job. I can’t believe I’m getting paid for this. I can’t believe I haven’t been found out yet. I can’t believe nobody has exposed me as inadequate. I can’t believe people haven’t caught on to how clueless I (really) am. I can’t believe I’ve deceived the world into believing that I know what I’m doing. I’m…
How to be a Breath of Fresh Air
“Your combination is: One, two, three, four, five? That’s the stupidest combination I’ve ever heard in my life! That’s the kind of thing an idiot would have on his luggage!” Name that movie. Spaceballs, of course. My brother and I grew up on this film. And to this day, we can still recite the entire script, line by line. If you’re not familiar with the movie, here’s a quick…
How to be Taken Seriously by People Twice Your Age
“I’m old enough to be your mother!” Think about the last time somebody at work said this to you. How did it make you feel? Young? Annoyed? Insecure? Unsuccessful? Ready to jump out the window? Probably all of the above. As someone who hears this comment on a daily basis, I know how you feel. It’s tough being the youngest person in the office, isn’t it? But that’s the…
6 Ways to be an Exponent of Your Industry
What do Richard Pryor, Whoopi Goldberg, Lorne Michaels, Lily Tomlin, George Carlin, Bill Cosby and Tina Fey all have in common? Two things. FIRST: Each of these individuals was presented with the inaugural Mark Twain Prize for American Humor. In 1998, The Kennedy Center organized this “Celebration of Humor” and established the Mark Twain Prize to recognize those who create humor from their uniquely American experiences. Cool.SECOND: Each of…
How to Position Yourself as the Answer
People use the Internet for one thing – and one thing only. Pornography. Just kidding. (Actually, not really.) TRUTH IS: People use the Internet to solve a problem. That’s it. That’s the number one thing typed into Google: A question. How do you hunt elk? How do you write a book? How do you start your own membership website? How do you successfully stalk your ex-girlfriend on Facebook with…
11 Ways to Discipline Yourself Without Destroying Yourself
Forget about luck. Forget about talent. Forget about creativity. Forget about intelligence. Discipline is all that counts. Discipline is the great differentiator. Discipline is the unsung hero of success. Discipline is the bridge between ambition and achievement. But. Discipline doesn’t mean disrespecting yourself. Discipline doesn’t mean adding more stress to your day. Discipline doesn’t mean over-regimenting every minute of your life. The secret is disciplining yourself without destroying yourself….
The James Bond Guide to Making It Out Alive
Sean Connery was wrong. “Shaken, not stirred,” he said to the bartender. GUESS WHAT: Neither of those are good options. Sure, they’re fine for martinis. But not for life. HERE’S WHY: When tragedy strikes, when heartbreak hits and when tough times settle in, stillness is the only place from which to take profitable action. Not shaken. Not stirred. Just still. That’s how you respond to the crap the world…
Win a Copy of The Nametag Guy’s New Book!
The purpose of this book is to sell you on my theory of the universe. Which is: The only thing in life you have control over is yourself. And that you can’t make anything happen – but you can (greatly) increase the probability of that thing happening … by making yourself more “-able.” (The title of the book is pronounced as “a bull,” just like the cute little cartoon.)…