What Every Young Leader Should Know about Showing the World They’re Serious
If you’re under the age of thirty-five, the default posture of the world is not to believe you. I know. Total bummer. But it’s not your fault – it’s just human nature. Age equals credibility. And there’s no way to speed it up. Actually, I take that back. My friend Tom Reilly once suggested: “If you want people to take you seriously, either go grey or vacate.” Not a…
How to Die
Everything on this planet has a life cycle. Products. Services. Industries. Plants. Planets. Animals. Ideas. Blogs. Relationships. Recessions. Religions. Philosophies. Nothing is immortal. Except for Keith Richards. Seriously, that guy just doesn’t die. But when it comes to organizations, the same rule applies: Non-profits. Faith communities. Charities. Clubs. Trade associations. Membership organizations. Volunteer groups. Outreach programs. They have life cycles too. And whether or not you want to admit…
The Ralph Waldo Emerson Guide to Going Where There is No Path and Leaving a Trail
I know who you are. You’ve chosen to follow an uncommon road. You’ve elected to pursue a perilous and uncertain course. You’ve decided to go where there is no path and leave a trail. Let me be the first person to say: Hell to the yes. You are going to grow geometrically. You are going to evolve exponentially. You are going to learn comprehensively. Pshht. Paths. Overrated. But. HERE’S…
The Nametag Guy Live: How to Care
LET ME ASK YA THIS… Will you dare to care? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For the list called, “15 Ways to Out Learn Your Competitors,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Mentor [email protected] Never the same speech twice. Now booking for 2011! Watch The Nametag Guy in action here!
Does Your Organization Pass the Rice Paper Test?
Rice paper amazes me. Fresh out the box, it looks like a paper plate. But. Dab a little water on it, wait about sixty seconds – and it morphs into a playful, clear and stretchy material that perfectly protects your delicious food, yet carries no shame about the contents within. What’s interesting is, rice paper is surprisingly strong. And durable. And it seems that no matter how many vegetables…
How to Delete the Drama from Your Life
It’s that time of year again. Spending time with families. Traveling across the country. Hopping from one party to the next. Stuffing your face with food you normally avoid. Battling against supermoms for the last American Girl doll in the store. IN SHORT: Drama. Lots of drama. The good news is, even though the world around you has more drama than the season finale of Glee, you can still…
You Don’t Have to be Steve Jobs to be Ahead of Your Time
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it.” Computer visionary Alan Kay coined that phrase in 1971. At the time, he was working in the research department of Xerox. But, as innovative as he was, he failed to convince the higher-ups that his new programming ideas would revolutionize computing. Until. Eight years later, pioneers from Apple Computers used Kay’s ideas to develop a revolutionary, user-friendly computer…
The Matt Foley Guide to Motivating the People Who Matter Most
Your employees are lazy. Your coworkers are stuck. Your children are lethargic. Your members are stagnant. Your customers are sluggish. I blame it all on Chris Farley. His Saturday Night Live character, Matt Foley, convinced us that a boisterous man in a plaid blazer, hopped up on twelve cups of coffee – who lived in a van down by the river – could motivate another human being. Yeah no….
The Nametag Guy Live: How to Turn Rare into Remarkable
This excerpt comes from a recent presentation in Atlantic City with my client, Ultra Diamonds. These guys are busting their butts during the holiday season to make sure their customers look and feel like a million bucks. They’re truly heroes. LET ME ASK YA THIS… Whom are you a hero to? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For the list called, “15 Ways to Out Learn Your Competitors,” send an email…
How to Thank
Thanksgiving isn’t just about giving thanks. It’s about football, overeating, family feuding, travel atrocities, excessive shopping, more overeating, napping, more football, and most importantly, having the same three-minute conversation over and over again with people you don’t even like and should have unfriended on Facebook years ago. Best. Holiday. Ever. Anyway, it’s Wednesday night, it’s raining, and we’ve got a long weekend ahead of us. But as I sit…