How to Focus Your Face Off
Here’s the biggest challenge my mentoring clients bring to me: “I have so many good ideas, but I don’t know which ones to execute.” Ah, creative paralysis. Tough problem. And as an entrepreneur myself, I’ve certainly struggled with this issue over the years. HERE’S THE BOTTOM LINE: Eventually, you have to stop brainstorming and start executing. Because you don’t need another idea – you need an “I did.” But….
A Young Artist’s Guide to Playing For Keeps, Pt. 1
You’ve chosen an uncertain path. You’ve adopted an inconvenient lifestyle. You’ve embarked upon an unconventional journey. You’ve felt the voice inside you growing more urgent. You’ve committed yourself enough so you can’t turn back. IN SHORT: You’ve decided to play for keeps. This is the critical crossroads – the emotional turning point – in the life of every young artist. I’ve been there myself, and here’s a list of…
6 Ways to Stay Small and (Still) Win Big
Scalability is overrated. Getting as big as possible, as fast as possible, isn’t the only goal that matters. THE REALITY IS: Small is an acceptable destination. In fact, it’s not just acceptable – it’s admirable, manageable, flexible, approachable and, most importantly, profitable. Last week I shared a list called 21 Reasons to Keep Your Company Small. Way to stay that way? Consider these suggestions:1. Stop delegating and start deleting….
How to Set the Stage for Employee Commitment
I recently struck up a conversation with an Apple employee in the food court. He was clearly on lunch break, but didn’t mind talking shop. “Actually, I wear my blue Apple shirt even when I’m off the clock,” he said. That’s rare. Usually employees throw on a jacket the minute the step out of the store to avoid any work-related conversation during break time. Not this guy. Matt told…
26 Ways to Keep Your People Engaged Without Resorting to Shock Therapy
The word “engage” comes from the French engagier, which means, “to make a pledge.” That’s the big question: Why do people pledge themselves to you? IN SHORT: Why do people engage? Last year, I shared a collection of answers to this question in a popular piece called, Twenty Secrets Smart Leaders Know About Engaging Their People. The response was overwhelming. I received more emails, tweets and reprints than usual….
8 Ways to Help Customers Close You
Years ago, Johnny Carson was interviewing a guest on The Tonight Show who was billed as one of the greatest salespeople who has ever lived. “Well, sell me something!” Johnny said. “Okay, well, what do you want me to sell?” replied the man. “How about this ashtray on my desk?” And just as Johnny expected the man to go into a sales pitch, instead the salesman asked, “What do…
If I Ever Had to Get a Real Job (Which I Won’t) This Is the Kind of Company I’d Want to Work For
Since I started my publishing company eight years ago, I’ve had the honor and privilege of working with some of the finest organizations around the world: Like Sendouts. They say, “Today is the day,” to their corporate recruiters. Like Brains on Fire. They say, “I love you” to their clients. Like Optimists International. They say, “Yes” to their members. Like Million Dollar Roundtable. They say, “Kamsahamnida,” to their buyers….
21 Reasons to Keep Your Company Small
“Yeah, but it wasn’t worth it.” That’s what the guy next to me at the bar said. “When I started my company, I was this laid-back, low key guy. Not anymore. Since then I’ve gained eighty pounds, I’m constantly on the run, I wake up in the middle of the night with anxiety attacks and my health is terrible.” “But there’s nothing I can do about it. I can’t…
NametagTV: Entrepreneur Questions That Matter
Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9! Or, watch the original video on NametagTV. LET ME ASK YA THIS… What questions have you become known for? LET ME SUGGEST THIS… For a list called, “10 Reasons Your Business Doesn’t Really Exist,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free! * * * * Scott Ginsberg That Guy with the Nametag Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur,…
How to Inspire Employee Commitment, Even When You’re Convinced They’re Playing Solitaire All Day
Not compliance – commitment. Huge difference. As I learned from The Power of Strategic Commitment: “Commitment is the innate willingness of people to follow and contribute; compliance is the forced adherence to plans created through manipulation, punishment and coercion.” That’s the difference between doing the job a delivering the brand. THE PROBLEM IS: Zero commitment means zero engagement, and zero engagement means zero profits. Today we’re going to explore…