A Young Artist’s Guide to Playing for Keeps, Pt. 8
You’ve chosen an uncertain path. You’ve adopted an inconvenient lifestyle. You’ve embarked upon an unconventional journey. You’ve felt the voice inside you growing more urgent. You’ve committed yourself enough so you can’t turn back. IN SHORT: You’ve decided to play for keeps. This is the critical crossroads – the emotional turning point – in the life of every young artist. I’ve been there myself, and here’s a list of…
The King George Guide to Speaking Human
Authenticity is not a strategy. It’s not a parlor trick. It’s not a corporate initiative. It’s not a tactic you learn at a conference. Authenticity is simply what happens when you speak human. THE GOOD NEWS IS: When you speak human – and follow that voice without hesitation – everybody hears you. And when customers taste a trace of your humanity, they come back for seconds, every time. The…
5 Ways to Jumpstart the Joinability of Your Brand
Este Lauder once said, “Women don’t buy brands — they join them.” When I first heard that quotation, my inner geography changed forever. And I eventually came to a conclusion that has yet to be disputed: Good brands are bought, great brands are joined. Like my friend Jay Siefert, owner of Studio Element (pictured above). Because of his passion for fitness, health and human potential, clients join more than…
The Art of the Shove
My favorite scene in Good Will Hunting is the following conversation between Matt Damon and Ben Affleck: “You know what the best part of my day is? The ten seconds before I knock on your door. Because I let myself think I might get there, and you’d be gone. I’d knock on the door and you wouldn’t be there. You just left.” “But instead, you’re sitting on a winning…
How Joinable Is Your Brand?
Good brands are bought — great brands are joined. Here’s what I mean: To join a brand is to connect with it on a visceral level. To join a brand is to engage with it on a human level. To join a brand is to unite with it on a personal level. Otherwise people are just giving you money. Today we’re going to explore a collection of ideas to…
Behind the Brandtag, Part 2: Lessons Learned from Shipping Art That Matters
“It’s not about the art – it’s about the person you become as you create the art.” That mantra rules my life. As an artist. As an entrepreneur. As an evolving human being. Especially this week, as I celebrate the launch of brandtag. This project is the most exciting, most risky and most remarkable work of art I’ve ever executed. Much of my inspiration for this project can be…
Behind the Brandtag, Part 1: Lessons Learned from Shipping Art That Matters
“It’s not about the art – it’s about the person you become as you create the art.” That mantra rules my life. As an artist. As an entrepreneur. As an evolving human being. Especially this week, as I celebrate the launch of brandtag. This project is the most exciting, most risky and most remarkable work of art I’ve ever executed. Much of my inspiration for this project can be…
Brandtag 001: How to Matter
ARTIST’S STATEMENT: I was in Tokyo when it happened. My stomach was full of sushi, my creativity was firing on all cylinders, and I’m pretty sure I felt a minor earthquake during breakfast. Not a bad morning. And that’s when it occurred to me: Contribution is critical to my constitution as a human being. And on that day, something inside me changed. I don’t know what. But my work…
How to Make Your Mission More Than a Statement
After fifteen months of hard work, Brandtag is here. TO PURCHASE: Individual limited edition prints, explore the gallery. TO VIEW: Pictures of engaged clients and partners, view the slide show. TO LEARN: About Brandtag’s hand-made production process, meet Firecracker Press. TO INQUIRE: About group pricing, corporate packages and consulting programs, contact Scott directly. LET ME ASK YA THIS… Is your mission more than a statement? LET ME SUGGEST THIS……
In Praise of Duh
People who have it all figured out scare me. I don’t know about you, but: I’m not ready. I’m never ready. I’m not smart enough. I’m never smart enough. And if I waited until I knew what I was doing, I never would have done anything. I don’t marry myself to ideas. I don’t box myself into rigid plans. I don’t set as many goals as I used to….