Looks great except change everything
Humans are biologically and psychologically primed to engage with novelty. It is a natural habit of the mind to explore things that are different and unexpected. Humans want to move closer to the ideas that are unusual enough to encourage exploration. Except, of course, when those humans are trying not to get fired. That changes everything. I have a friend who runs a event production company. Every day, she…
You can always put a price on people’s impatience
Wait time is the single most important factor in customer satisfaction. And the good news is, you can always put a price on people’s impatience. There will always be a subset of customers who are happy to pay their way out of line. Consider these examples from a variety of industries. Retail companies offer free expedited delivery for impatient customers who pay an annual flat fee. Theme parks offer…
Eyes Full Of Dreams — Chapter 03: Right Again (2015) — Scott Ginsberg Concert Documentary
Eyes Full Of Dreams is a musical and motivational masterclass about making use of everything you are. This film will be presented as a serialized, episodic documentary. I’m premiering each song as a stand alone chapter. Watch the movie, buy the album and download the dream journal at Right Again Fresh pair of opinions A life time ain’t long enough I don’t need your millions Why you gotta be so ugly?…
Take your confidence wherever you can get it
You don’t need that many people to believe in you. Initially, all you really need is one customer to take your product seriously. That’s enough of a victory to build the confidence, momentum and leverage you need to move the story forward. When I first launched a training program called Brandtag, a strategic planning crusade that helps organizations make their mission more than a statement, none of my clients even knew about…
Just when you get there, there disappears
Running a business is a frustrating infinite regression. It’s as if the neverending pile of things do constantly regenerates itself. We could work thirty straight hours without a break, and it would still feel like we barely made a dent. Sigh. And so, the first challenge is making peace with the pile. Accepting that we’re not going to check everything off by day’s end. Because the reality is, the pile never gets…
The fundamental leverage question
Here’s the fundamental leverage question for maximizing the movement value of any experience. Now that I have this, what else does this make possible? It’s simple question, but it becomes strategic the moment you begin to explore its permutations. Let’s unpack the different elements and see how it works. First, now that. A phrase that implies urgency. The ability to take action without further delay. Not later or eventually…
Now that I have this, what else does this make possible?
Leverage is the bridge between occurrence an opportunity. It’s a power source. A strategic advantage. A way of using a small, initial asset to gain a very high return on your investment. And so, it’s not just killing two birds with one stone, it’s killing as many birds as you possibly can, with one stone. Maximizing the movement value of every experience. My initial understanding of leverage dates back…
Chasing down the authentic self
Every artist is on a quest for originality. Searching to find their authentic voice so they can do bring the truest representations of themselves to their work. The frustrating part is, it takes time. Identity is a function of volume. And unless we crank out piles of work, we’ll never fully flush out those pseudo cover tunes out of our system. I’m reminded of something my mentor told me when my…
The court does not recognize your right to comment
Years ago a developer friend of mine launched a free software program to help people better manage their tasks and assignments. It started as a completely bootstrapped side project, but with a lot of hard work, he successfully attracted over one hundred thousand users. Recently, though, he decided it was time to build out the upgrade from beta to final version. Because even though his software was a free…
Eyes Full Of Dreams — Chapter 02: Listen (2015) — Scott Ginsberg Concert Documentary
Eyes Full Of Dreams is a musical and motivational masterclass about making use of everything you are. This film will be presented as a serialized, episodic documentary. I’m premiering each song as a stand alone chapter. Watch the movie, buy the album and download the dream journal at Listen You can burn me for a fool But you won’t get ashes Damn the dry wood Listen With my language I make…