The work you’re capable of if you’d only commit
Talent and networking and timing and resourcefulness are crucial components to success. But make no mistake, it is the strength of your commitment that will govern the speed and potency with which you advance your goals. If you’re a person who’s profoundly and absurdly committed, somebody who’s willing to do absolutely whatever it takes to get what you want, you’re going to succeed. What’s amazing is, every year there…
First comes satisfaction, second comes terror
There’s nothing more satisfying than beholding your first product. It’s a moment of profound accomplishment. When I received the sample case of the first book I ever wrote, I sat on my doorstep and smelled it for five minutes. Pure intoxication. A year’s worth of blood, sweat and tears had finally paid off. Unfortunately, that moment was followed by pure terror. Because it occurred to me that developing, testing…
The limits of our language are the limits of our world
Language is the fuel that drives the engine of execution. That’s why so few people carry their ideas far enough. They’re trapped in an outdated way of speaking about themselves. One of the helpful strategies you can learn from cognitive behavioral therapy is to substitute new language that supports your intention to move in a certain direction. Because once you change your definition, you change your context. Once you…
Prescribe yourself a dose of awe
Those moments of virtuosity and mystery and meaning, acts of human moral beauty that provoke the kindred and start a conversation with something much larger than yourself, that’s the definition of awe. The profound experience that combines the moral, the spiritual and the aesthetic. What’s fascinating is when you dig into the science behind it. In the landmark study on awe, researchers defined awe as something that had the power to…
Deceiving yourself into business
I was listening to an interview with a writer from a successful animated sitcom. Bill explained that their mission in the writer’s room was, humor first, helpful second. Because if a concept for an episode was really funny, he said, they would find a way to back into the message. It’s brilliant way to approach the creative process. Focus on the intentional, and trust that you’ll sweep up the…
Eyes Full Of Dreams — Chapter 07: Too Much (2015) — Scott Ginsberg Concert Documentary
Eyes Full Of Dreams is a musical and motivational masterclass about making use of everything you are. This film will be presented as a serialized, episodic documentary. I’m premiering each song as a stand alone chapter. Watch the movie, buy the album and download the dream journal at Too Much Flush all of my selfish Out of my system Step into the shadows And smile with beaming hearts Write out your…
The intersection of memorable, sociable and stealable
When the ferris wheel was first invented, the ride was so popular, prestigious and unprecedented, that riders were given a certificate testifying to their experience. It featured the headshot of the engineer, the official measurements of his design, a stamp of authenticity from the manufacturer, a limited edition passenger number, even a signature from the fair president. What’s even more interesting, though, is that the existence of the certificate…
The positive power of polyamory
Stanford economists recently studied a group of retail entrepreneurs for a period of twenty years. Their research found that failed entrepreneurs were far more likely to be successful in their subsequent efforts. Turns out, the tenacious thirty percent of business owners who bounced back from their initial failure were more likely to be successful in their second, third, and even tenth time around. They literally failed their way to success. They kept…
Continue to expand your sense of possibility
The first time I hired a virtual assistant to help me with various administrative tasks, I had an epiphany. Oh my god, I said to myself. Thanks to this new person, I never have to worry about doing any of those time wasting, soul sucking, stress inducing activities ever again. Glory hallelujah. That’s a pivotal moment for any entrepreneur. Letting go of the parts of the process that don’t need your…
Voluntarily opt out of the mainstream
I heard an interview with veteran television producer who made a fascinating point about network ratings. I’ll never forget his words. Ninety nine out of a hundred people aren’t watching my show, and I’m a millionaire. If that’s not inspiring, I don’t know what is. Byron’s insight proves that success isn’t about securing mainstream appeal, it’s not about having a bestseller and it’s not about reaching superstardom. It’s about finding the small corner…