The monomyth includes a phase called the belly of the beast.
It’s that formative time in which the hero doubts themselves and wishes the journey had never begun.
Skywalker famously gets stranded in a subzero wasteland in his journey. And the only protection from certain death in the freezing climate is for his best friend to slit open a dead tauntaun and help him rest inside the stinking but warm carcass.
He’s quite literally in the belly of the beast.
Thankfully, most of us will never get to that point.
We will, however, encounter alien forms that will arrive and throws our schemas into doubt. Whether they comes in the form of opinions, objects, people or experiences, the nagging clouds of doubt will threaten to rain on our existential parade.
Sometimes these doubts will annoy us, and we’ll simply swat them away like pesky gnats.
Sometimes these doubts will invigorate us, and we’ll double down on our position.
Sometimes these doubts will humble us, and we’ll give thanks that our faith has a pulse.
Sometimes these doubts will challenge us, and we’ll blast the furnace heat of faith to turn them into steam so we can blow them away.
Sometimes these doubts will trap us in a philosophical pickle, and we’ll start wondering if the doubter is obliged to doubt that he doubts.
Sometimes these doubts will confuse the hell out of us, and we will find a perverse satisfaction in indulging them.
Sometimes these doubts will fortify our commitment, and we will evolve in spite of them.
Anything goes inside the belly of the beast.
And although we can’t control the smell or the heat, what we can do is be aware of how we feel and respond while we’re there.
During my own moments of deep doubt, one thing that helps me is the combination of connection, consumption and creation.
Like when a group of strangers at some party start probing a bit too deeply into my personal life, and it makes me feel ambushed. The next day, three things are going to happen.
One, start calling friends, family members and other trusted people. This connection helps me process my feelings with others and feel heard in my doubt.
Two, start listening to podcasts, watching movies or reading books. This consumption of media will make me feel less alone in my feelings, learning language to put around my experience.
And three, start writing essays or songs. This creation helps me notice, name, tame and reframe my emotional reality.
Connection, creation and consumption.
Those are the faithful forces that carry me through great seas of doubt. What are yours?
Remember, although there’s no magic formula anyone can trust to eliminate all doubt, it’s certainly better than freezing our asses off in the subzero climate.
And you thought they smelled bad on the outside.
What will help you navigate the belly of the beast?