For over five years now, I’ve kept a rather obsessive compulsive journal of every nametag-related encounter that’s happened to me.
From “Hey Scott!” to “Do you have a memory problem?” to “Dude, what’s the deal with the nametag?” all stories are accounted for.
Now, while not every anecdote can be hilarious or life-changing (people still think they’re the first ones to EVER say “Your name must be Scott”) sometimes I get a new one I’ve never heard before. That’s why for today’s post, I thought I’d share a handful of my favorite new encounters from the past few months.
January 1st, 2006
After attending a black tie wedding for the first half of New Year’s Eve, I spent the rest of the evening (and morning) at a friend’s house in Cleveland.
Now, because I’d already rented a tuxedo for the event, (and how often do you get to wear a tuxedo?) I just decided to leave it on all night.
Then I slept in it. Which was REAL comfortable.
I returned to the Cleveland Marriot on New Year’s Morning looking like someone who’d just slept in his rented tuxedo on a friend’s couch. As I walked through the lobby, I wondered what the other guests thought about me.
A crowd of Browns fans stood by the elevator. They had their coffees, jerseys, coolers and all the other tailgaiting paraphenalia for the big game. I approached the group and pressed the button, just waiting for one of them to say something. Which is weird…I can almost feel when someone is going to make a comment about my nametag. Like a sixth sense.
When we stepped into the elevator the man in the orange and brown t-shirt asked, “Long night, Scott?”
Everyone laughed. I didn’t. All I wanted was to go back to my hotel room and pass out.
“You have no idea,” I mumbled. “Go Browns.”
January 30th, 2006
One of the reasons I was excited to spend some quality vacation time in Puerto Vallarta was because it would be the first experience with my new nametag tattoo at the beach/pool.
For the most part, the reactions weren’t that different from the normal nametag. Two brothers I met from Cincinnati (who were also heavily inked) simply asked, “Well, you must be Scott, huh?” Obviously. We talked for a while about Skyline Chili, Miami, the Bearcats and the like. Then for the rest of the week, we always chatted whenever we passed each other. I learned they were fireman. Nice guys.
Later in the week, a group of thirtysomethings sitting next to me by the pool approached me. One of the women, who had the most unbelievable six pack I’ve ever seen, looked at my tattoo and asked, “Hey Scott, you wanna play volleyball?”
Yes. Yes I do.
We played for two hours! It was a blast. I learned they were Canadian snow mobile salesman. And they turned out to be about the nicest people I’ve ever met. Man, I love Canadians. Never met one that I didn’t like.
February 14th, 2006
During my Valentine’s Day/Birthday Dinner at the most romantic restaurant in St. Louis, a group of middle school girls walked past our table.
Once again, I could feel their comment coming from a mile away.
“Hey Scott!” one of them yelled.
They all giggled.
“That’s a great name!” she said.
“Yes it is,” I replied as my date and I grinned.
“Dude! My brother’s name is Scott. Well, he actually spells it with one T. I think it’s because we’re German or something. But he’s cool. Probably because his name is Scott,” she squeaked.
“Awesome! Sounds like he’s keepin’ it real. Tell Scott I like him already,” I said.
“Ok! Peace out, Scott!”
February 15th, 2006
En route to Columbus to speak at the Ohio 411 Workforce Conference. I checked my bags with the Skycap.
Did you know American Airlines now charges a $2 per bag Skycap Fee? Hmmph!
Anyway, the man in the snow hat said, “Mornin’ Scott. How you doin sir?”
“Pretty good. How about yourself?”
“I’m all right; the world’s all wrong.”
February 18th, 2006
Just got back from Columbus a day late, thanks to that ridiculous snow storm.
I was riding back to the Parking Spot on a totally packed shuttle.
One seat remained to my left as the last customer hopped onto the bus.
“Scott, can I sit next to you?” the man asked.
Everyone on the bus laughed, which was a good thing since most of us had experienced delays and layovers and probably hadn’t smiled in the last 36 hours. The man next to me looked around at the other passengers and said, “What? Scott’s the only person I know on this bus!”
What’s your most memorable “random encounter” of 2006?
* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag