My yoga teacher, noticing me sitting out for a few posters during class, once shared the following recommendation.
Anytime your body can’t do something, that’s just information.
Meaning, it’s not an emergency that calls for swift action. It’s not a trigger for useless rumination. It’s not reason to beat ourselves up for being imperfectly human. It’s just information.
And thankfully, the bridge of the breath can be the thing that helps us engage our curiosity and absorb that data into our system.
Isn’t that interesting, we think to ourselves. Wonder what this feeling wants from me? Wonder what the learning is here? And wonder what adjustments could be made in my intention, energy or action?
It’s just information. This response is more mindful and less manic than our usual judging and comparing, which does nothing but stop the flow of presence.
Hell, curiosity doesn’t even stand a chance when shame is in the way. The goal here is to find the kindest and most tolerant inner voice possible, and use it to direct our attention lovingly.
Hamlet’s words ought to be invoked here, who said there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.
No more thinking. We already think enough as it is. Anytime we can loosen the grip of entrenched mental habits, the better. A smarter use of our psychic energy is observing, noticing, listening and wondering. Treating our bodily messages as objectively and curiously as possible.
After the yoga class mentioned above, my teacher and I were chatting in the lobby. She could tell it wasn’t my body’s finest moment, so she left me with the following reminder.
Scott, she smiled, any time you listen to your body instead of hurting yourself, your teacher will be thankful. And so will you.
Whatever messages you’re being sent right now, from within or without, before you absorb it into your system, remember that it’s all just information.
Are you willing to still listen to your mind without taking it too seriously?