When someone’s opinion goes against the majority it’s deemed unpopular.
Which is essentially just code for wrong, infuriating, shameful and offensive.
People are now ostracized, penalized and cancelled for what the world assumes they meant. Discourse is not even about listening anymore, it’s about judging.
I’m right, you’re wrong, has officially degraded into, I’m right, you’re evil.
This is why entire message boards and communities are built for people to anonymously share unpopular opinions. Our feelings have become dangerous and expensive to express because we’re afraid of the adverse reaction we’ll get from friends, family, followers and strangers.
For example, here’s an unpopular opinion of my own. Prepare yourself.
Frozen was a boring animated movie with wooden acting that wasn’t even remotely funny. The pacing was awful, the main character was literally and figuratively an ice queen, there was no decent hero to root for, the storyline was pointless, and the songs were rushed and forgettable with the exception of a single hit. Frozen doesn’t deserve its multi billion dollar box office gross. The fact that it’s the highest animated film in history is frankly insulting. Disney has created numerous classics that are ten times better.
How’s that for an unpopular opinion?
What’s interesting is, if I were to express that, people would label me an insensitive, misogynist asshole who doesn’t understand revolutionary art. Which is why it’s not an opinion I bring up in everyday conversation.
But of course, this isn’t about one man’s taste in cartoons, this is about the current state of the freedom of expression. The reason we have stopped taking chances with our own opinions is because our hypersensitive, contentious, politically correct, popularity driven culture has told us that there are certain things about which certain people are not allowed to have an opinion.
Because of age, gender, political standing, personality, career, financial status or religious beliefs, we are simply not permitted to comment. People like us aren’t allowed to say things about things like that.
And that’s why people often change their opinions to go along with others and not feel different. It’s safer and cheaper. The thought police is a very real force, and it is their job as the suctioning body of opinion to dispense demerits to anyone who holds contrarian beliefs.
Go against the majority, and we’ll have your head on platter.
This is all very unfortunate. Our country was founded on the principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction.
Opinions may not be facts, but they are still the only thing people really pay for.
We should have a lot of them and express them often.
When was the last time you were told that you weren’t allowed to have an opinion?