Interesting article from Elliot Back about how people name their blogs. He quotes the Blogwise directory, which hosts a list of 33,810 blogs. According to Back, extracting the names of each blog from the directory itself took some work, but the results were quite fascinating. For example, the top word used in 9.986 percent of the blogs surveyed was “blog.” (Damn it. Guilty!) The next most popular at 2.619 percent was “life.”
In a related story, I read a piece about airports changing their names to attract more customers. For example, about three years ago, the Savannah airport became the Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport. Almost half its passengers go to Hilton Head, S.C., where there’s a smaller airport. Now, when people search Internet travel sites for Hilton Head and airport, the Savannah airport appears as an option.
Veeeeeeery interesting. Even a business like an airport(!?) can actually become more approachable.
Like, literally.
Think about it: the word “approach” is an essential part of the aviation lexicon.
But NOW, it’s not just about a customer landing; it’s about landing a customer.
Is that cool, strategic, funny or just plain ol’ ironic?!
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Scott Ginsberg
Author/Speaker/That guy with the nametag