Past Posts
ATTRIBUTE #1: Have conversations that change people.
ATTRIBUTE #2: Meet people where they are.
ATTRIBUTE #3: Vortex people in.
Today’s Post
ATTRIBUTE #4: Share the spotlight.
It’s one thing to shine; it’s another thing to create an atmosphere where OTHERS can shine.
Richard Tait, founder of Cranium, practices this principle daily.
At the 2008 Fire Sessions, a Brains on Fire conference where he and I both conducted workshops, I remember him saying this:
“When you give each individual person a chance to shine, everybody wins.”
So, it’s all about permission. Making people feel like it’s OK to be awesome. Like it’s cool to kick ass. Hooray!
Here are three ways you can start LIVING this attribute today:
1. Three simple words. “What about you?”
2. Accomplishment introductions. Without making someone feel TOO awkward, introduce them along with something they’ve accomplished. For example, “Carol, this is my colleague, Sasha. She recently published a cool photography book about her adventures in Venezuela!”
3. Make ‘em shine. In a group conversation, highlight someone’s successes by saying, “Hey Courtney, didn’t you have a lot of success with that strategy year?”
How are you unlocking people’s brilliance?
For the list called, “68 Things Employees Never Want to Hear Their Manager Say,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!
All Posts In This Series
ATTRIBUTE #1: Have conversations that change people.
ATTRIBUTE #2: Meet people where they are.
ATTRIBUTE #3: Vortex people in.
ATTRIBUTE #4: Share the spotlight.
ATTRIBUTE #5: Respond to what IS.
* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]
Never the same speech twice.
Always about sticking yourself out there.
Watch The Nametag Guy in action here!