You can’t make the world notice you.
You can’t make the world love you.
All you can do is increase the probability that the world will attend to, approve of and offer applause for you.
By making yourself more yessable.
Today we’re going to explore eight practices for boosting your yessability:
1. Be of duty and destiny. The world cannot resist a man on a mission. And if you’re relevant, realistic and REALLY good, they won’t be able to ignore you either. That’s the thing about unquestionable commitment. People say yes to it because it’s extremely rare, and therefore, inspiring.
So, try this: Do what you were mandated to do. Become the walking execution of your vision. And learn to validate your existence on a daily basis. These are the things that make you more yessable.
2. Burn everything there is to burn within you. That was Ayn Rand’s advice from Atlas Shrugged. And if you want to apply that advice to your world, here’s the secret: Don’t apologize for the one thing you are that consistently wows people. Sing the song that is natural for you to sing, in the way that is natural for you to sing it, and it in front of the fans that most need to hear it.
Then, give your audience permission to be taken over by your performance. And they will stand in line and pay higher prices than they know they should. These are the things that make you more yessable.
3. Consistently give people excuses to trust and believe you. Do you realize that you’re starting with a negative balance with most people? Not because you’re a cheat or a jerk. But because we live in a low-trust culture. And people are tired of being lied to.
That’s why you need to regularly demonstrate emotional reliability. You need to establish predictability in your behaviors. And you need to prove to people that they can put their faith in the uncracked composite of your character. These are the things that make you more yessable.
4. Don’t assume that everyone is broke and won’t support you. When the world is ready to recognize (and financially support!) your value, they will move into your lane. But only if YOU recognize that value first.
Only if YOU state your fee confidently and shut up. So remember: He who speaks next, loses. These are the things that make you more yessable.
5. Grow yessable by process of elimination. Advance assertively in the direction of your dream. Then work FOR, believe IN and act UPON that dream SO much, that eventually the dream will have no choice but to become a reality.
And at that point, success will become a mathematically certainty. All because you made persistence your religion. These are the things that make you more yessable.
6. Make sure you can you answer all the questions about your dream. Here are a few examples: “Does your dream benefit others?” “Does your talent match your dream?” “Is this dream built on your real habits?” and “Are you afraid to bring people into your dream?”
This will help your dreams get acquainted with reality. But be ready to defend them. Be prepared to balance boldness with realness. Otherwise it will become VERY hard for the world to say yes to you. These are the things that make you more yessable.
7. Make yourself a superior article. First: Pinpoint the supporting features of the world you want to live in so you can be your best. And physically write down the words that describe you when you’re at your best – or less than at your best.
Second: Identify and watch the best in the world in your field. And then ask yourself how you compare to those people. Third: Pluck the components of those people’s success formulas that you like. Incorporate them into your own equation. Soon enough, you’ll start turning out work that has genuine superiority. These are the things that make you more yessable.
8. Stop proving yourself and start expressing yourself. Be less interested in creating a work of art and more interested in becoming one. HUGE difference. For example, Dr. King didn’t “have” a dream – he WAS the dream. The Dalai Lama doesn’t preach peace – he IS peace. And Obama doesn’t inspire hope – he IS hope.
These people are preaching messages that are the dominant reality of their lives. I wonder what would happen to your life if YOU started embodying your commitment. I wonder what would happen to your career if YOU started walking your truth. These are the things that make you more yessable.
REMEMBER: You can’t make the world say yes to you.
What you CAN do is increase the probability that the world will attend to, approve of and offer applause for you.
All you have to do is make yourself more yessable.
How are you increasing your yessability?
For the list called, “6 Ways to become the Most YESSABLE Person You Know,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free!
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Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]
Download a free copy of The Nametag Guy’s (unofficial) 9th book!
HELLO, my name is Scott’s…
“Live your name.”