NametagTV: Compressing Time

You can borrow time. You can make time. You can steal time. You can save time. You can take time. You can find time. You can buy time. You can eat time.

But that takes time.

And you’re a pretty busy guy.

ASK YOURSELF THIS: What if you compressed time?

That’s what I’ve been doing since say one.

When I started my company right out of college, I was hungry, impatient and on fire. Ready to take my ideas into the world and change it forever, no matter how many people thought I was crazy.

The only problem was, I had no credentials. No foundation. No body of experience. And certainly no leveragable assets that could become something bigger.

That’s when I learned how to compress time. And here’s how to make it work for you:1. Learn the art of volume. The first lesson I learned as an author was, if you’ve published a book, people think you’re smart. Even if the book is a joke – it’s still a book. Ink is credibility. Which led to the second lesson I learned as an author: If you want people to think you’re really smart, write a dozen books.

So I did. In eight years.

Because it doesn’t matter if you’re right – it matters if you’re everywhere. It doesn’t matter if you know what you’re doing – it matters if you’re doing a ton of it. It doesn’t matter if you’re good – it matters if you’re visible. It doesn’t matter if you’re put together – it matters if you’re putting something down.

It doesn’t matter if you’re persuasive – it matters if you’re pervasive. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the right place at the right time – it matters if you’re in a lot of places. How will you use volume to make your voice matter?

2. Waiting is the new working. I no longer mind waiting in line. I’ve accepted the following reality: Life is the line. There’s nowhere to get to. There’s no future. All you have is right now. And I don’t know about you, but if I’m waiting, I’m writing. Even if only for twenty seconds at a time. You’d be amazed how easily a year of lines turns into a box of books.

Instead of looking at your watch, huffing and puffing and trying to enlist the other people in line to join your pity party, make love to the present moment. Then take notes. Because if you don’t write it down, it never happened. But if you build portable creative environments for yourself; you can leverage every micromoment that presents itself. And I guarantee you’ll triple your output. Are trying to find time, make time or steal time?

3. Make energy a priority. If you can’t put more hours in your life, you can always put more life in your hours. That’s the big secret about time: Having more energy not only compresses it – it multiplies it. Think about it: When you’re truly fueled, you take on more work, you solve bigger problems, you pursue bigger challenges, you contribute more value and have greater confidence in the process.

The secret is, you have to become a master of your own energy patterns. That means knowing what makes the most energy available to you. That means identifying what your biggest energy drains are. And that means developing a personal system for replenishing your energy reserve whenever it’s depleted.

Soon, an hour of your time will be more just as meaningful – if not more – than an entire week of someone with poor energy management. On a scale from one to ten, how effectively do you manage your energy?

4. It’s not the years – it’s the mileage. We learn not from our experiences, but from intelligent reflection upon those experiences. As such, wisdom has nothing to do with how much time has past and everything to do with what you did with the past. In the words of the wise philosopher, Henry Rollins, “Wisdom without experience is bullshit.”

If you want to compress time, get direct experience any way you can. Intentionally put yourself in situations that force you to grow up quickly. Write down everything that happens to you along with what you learned along the way. And then teach those lessons to others. You can gain five years of experience in six months. Are you a master at to drawing wisdom from every experience?

5. Execution is a process of elimination. The reason I was able to write a dozen books in eight years is not because I’m superhuman. It’s not because I’m a genius. And it’s not because I’m a better writer than anyone. I just know how to delete. Here’s a quick overview of my publishing and consulting company:

No meetings. No busywork. No status reports. No television. No task requests. No putting out fires. No managing people. No micromanaging people. No committees to go in front of. No office politics. No office. No commute. No distractions. No paperwork.

And after deleting all of that noise, what are you left with? Work. That. Matters. I challenge you to make a list of twenty things you could easily delete from your day. You’ll be amazed how easy it is to compress time. What things are you doing – everyday – that make absolutely no sense at all?

6. Audit the company you keep. Life’s too short to surround yourself with people who don’t challenge and inspire you. If you want to compress time, play with people who are better than you. That way you can absorb their experiences, sponge from their knowledge and grow from their mistakes. As Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour once said, “You have to put yourself in an environment where you get your ass kicked.”

That’s why I don’t have a mentor – I have a galaxy of mentors. And the accumulated insight from each of their life experiences compresses my time beyond belief. Just make sure you’re not bypassing real experience. Becoming a clone of people you admire gets you nowhere.

The point is: If you can’t whistle while you work, you may as well hustle while you wait. As every unforgiving minute passes by, will you be disciplined enough to practice fertile idleness?

REMEMBER: Your time isn’t just valuable – it’s compressible.

Stop trying to steal what you need to shrink.

Are you finding time or compressing it?

For a list called, “66 Questions to Prevent Your Time from Managing You,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, Mentor
[email protected]

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Does Your Company Take Itself Too Seriously?

Think about the last time one of your customers made the following complaint:

“I like their product, but I just wish the company would take themselves more seriously.”

Exactly. They’ve never said that. Ever.

WHICH MAKES SENSE: We live in a litigious, hypersensitive and politically correct society.

And instead of branding their humanity, organizations – in the name of “professionalism” – are prohibiting their employees from expressing any shred of soul in their work.

Here’s why it’s dangerous to take yourself too seriously:

You limit yourself.
You lose perspective.
You miss moments of joy.
You stifle the growth process.
You create unnecessary stress.
You forget who you really are.

This has got to stop.

Today we’re going to explore a few ideas to help take yourself less seriously:1. Grandiosity isn’t relatable. If your commercial only shows the product at the very end and spends the rest of the time pontificating about its awesomeness, you’re too serious. If your promo video is nothing but an overproduced, epic adventure that says nothing about what actually makes the product unique, you’re too serious.

It’s not enough to get over yourself – you have to stay over yourself too. And part of that process is admitting that your marketing doesn’t always have to solve the world’s problems. Yes, people are buying more than just what you sell. But not every customer cares which organic farm your cocoa beans came from. Sometimes they just want the cookie. Is your brand still riding the wave of elitist pretention?

2. Master the wink. Smart brands create a smile in the mind. The subtly tug our emotional heartstrings in a playful, respectful way. And instead of carefully architecting their image in every touchpoint, they steep themselves in casual panache.

That’s the secret to taking yourself less seriously: Adopting a more playful attitude in everything you do. Extracting the innate and inevitable funniness of your brand. Not through jokes. Not through cheap laughs. But through true humor. After all, humor is the only universal language. And it has the capacity to override people’s native defenses.

But, not if you use it as an additive. That’s not humor – that’s hair gel. And not if you use it at other people’s expense, that’s not humor – that’s cruelty. Are you aiming for stiff, formal and starched; or flexible, bouncy and sweet?

3. Playful is the new professional. Professional is just a word for brands that seek sanitize the soul out of business. Instead of delivering emotionless, forgettable non-service, bring your humanity to the moment.

Don’t let the feeling of formality keep you from communicating freely, either. Speak with soul. Ante up the emotional temperature. Delete every dehydrated, annoying, tired, vague, empty, overused eye-rolling piece of jargon in your marketing materials.

Talk friendly. Talk like people talk. Because the goal of your brand is make this moment, right now, a more humane, pleasant passing of time. How much value are you sacrificing on the altar of professionalism?

4. Stop nickel and diming customers. I used to work in guest services for a large hotel chain. And in the two years of my stint, the most consistent complaint from our guests was about minor charges. But that wasn’t surprising: The bigger the hotel, the more small things you have to pay for. Drury Inn, on the other hand, positions their brand with the tagline, “Where the extras aren’t extra.”

Free breakfast. Free beverages. Free copies. Free wireless. Free phone calls. Free cable. Free parking. Free coffee.

Which probably costs them a nice chunk of change at the end of the year. But at least thousands of their guests don’t check out pissed off. What about you? Please tell me you don’t take yourself so seriously that you’re sacrificing experience on the altar of expense. Not good for business. How often are you nickel and diming your customers?

5. Educate yourself in the language of humility. First, publicly celebrate mistakes. Prove to people that you’re willing to support and learn from failure. Second, engage young people by asking them to teach you. And actually listen to and take notes on what they shared.

Third, flip through your daily planner from five years ago when the economy was thriving. Remember how good that felt. Fourth, create a daily gratitude wall at your office. Use sticky notes and never write the same thing twice. And lastly, start a daily blog. The commitment required for writing and maintaining it will shock the hell out of you.

Ultimately, it’s hard to take yourself too seriously when if you’re busy knocking yourself off of your pedestal. When was the last time you did something for the first time?

6. Creativity doesn’t erase credibility. Just because you work in a conservative industry doesn’t mean you should be afraid of doing something offbeat. And just because your company serves sensitive customers doesn’t mean you can’t have a little fun.

I once stumbled across a website for a urology clinic that specialized in vasectomies. Their practice leader was a surgeon named Doctor Richard Chop. His patients affectionately called him, “Dr. Dick Chop.” Swear to god. That guy couldn’t take himself too seriously if he tried.

Nobody gets a free pass out of creativity. It’s everybody’s job. Who is murdering your creative nature?

REMEMBER: There are some things in life worth taking seriously.

Health. Values. Relationships. Commitments. Honesty. The new season of Glee.

But when it comes to your business, when it comes to your brand and most importantly, when it comes to your employees and customers – lighten up.

Nobody ever got mad at their boss for being too much fun.

What are your predictions for the future?

For a list called, “11 Ways to Out Google Your Competitors,” send an email to me, and you win the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Publisher, Artist, Mentor
[email protected]

“I usually refuse to pay for mentoring. But after Scott’s first brain rental session, the fact that I had paid something to be working with him left my mind – as far as I was concerned, the value of that (and subsequent) exchange of wisdom and knowledge, far outweighed any payment.”

–Gilly Johnson The Australian Mentoring Center

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