19 Telltale Signs of “The Perfect Job”

1. You work a job that is SO you.

2. You work a job that doesn’t feel like a job.

3. You work a job that you would do for free.

4. You work a job that makes business personal.

5. You work a job that you would do for nothing.

6. You work a job that demands original thinking.

7. You work a job that makes you laugh, every day.

8. You work a job that makes you forget what time it is.

9. You work a job that combines business AND pleasure.

10. You work a job that keeps you confident, yet uncertain.

11. You work a job that people couldn’t pay you (not) to do.

12. You work a job that you would pay for the opportunity to do.

13. You work a job that makes you think: “God. I just LOVE my clients!”

14. You work a job that you would still do if you were the last person on Earth.

15. You work a job that makes you think: “I can’t believe I’ve getting paid for this!”

16. You work a job that makes you think: “Dude, I have the greatest job in the world.”

17. You work a job that enlists your truest talents, gifts, passions values and philosophies.

18. You work a job that you’re excited to tell people about, yet not in a hurry to tell people about.

19. You work a job that, when you google the phrase “perfect job, your picture comes up as a top hit!

What are your telltale signs of a perfect job?

Add yours to the master list here!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

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