Let’s juxtapose two famous quotations, neither of which Google credits to any one source in particular:
1. “Show me your friends I’ll show you your future.”
2. “A man is known by the company he avoids.”
SO: You are a reflection of the people you hang out with. Which also means you (aren’t) a reflection of the people you (don’t) hang out with.
What kind of people do YOU attract? What do the people closest to you value? And how much of your time is spent with people who are examples of the way you want to live?
As someone who used to make the mistake of attracting (and surrounding himself with) the WRONG types of people, I’ve put together a checklist of sorts for you.
First, each example will compare and contrast two different types of people.
Then, a penetrating question will challenge you to make some evaluations of your current relationships.
13 Types of People You Need to Hang Out With/Stay Away From
Hang out with people who make money.
Stay away from people who just want to learn how YOU make money.
ASK YOURSELF: Are you being fair to yourself by continuing this friendship?
Hang out with the kind of people you want to be like.
Stay away from people who aren’t doing jack with their lives.
ASK YOURSELF: What relationship(s) do you need to end?
Hang out with people who are smarter and more successful than you.
Stay away from bloodsuckers, negatives, complainers and chronic time abusers.
ASK YOURSELF: How many pointless relationships are you nurturing?
Hang out with people who have already done what you’re trying to do.
Stay away from people who are just trying to exploit your time, money, resources and brainpower for their own benefit.
ASK YOURSELF: What are people trying to steal from you?
Hang out with people who are better than you.
Stay away from people whose laziness constantly begs your assistance.
ASK YOURSELF: How successful are the people you associate with?
Hang out with Potential People.
Stay away from Problem People.
ASK YOURSELF: Are you surrounding yourself with the kind of people you want to be like?
Hang out with people in whose presence you feel most alive.
Stay away from energy vampires.
ASK YOURSELF: Are you having too many lunches?
Hang out with people who reciprocate your energy.
Stay away from people who sap your enthusiasms.
ASK YOURSELF: How does your posture change when you’re with this person?
Hang out with people who keep you accountable and occasionally kick you in the ass.
Stay away from people who zap your commitment to your priorities.
ASK YOURSELF: Who’s nudging you?
Hang out with people who set healthy boundaries.
Stay away from people who don’t respect your boundaries.
ASK YOURSELF: Is this an opportunity, or an opportunity to be used?
Hang out with people who give you the space you need to breathe and think and BE.
Stay away from people who suffocate you.
ASK YOURSELF: Whom do you need to help you succeed?
Hang out with people whose thinking sparks your own.
Stay way from people whose words pollute you.
ASK YOURSELF: Whose advice have you outgrown?
Hang out with people whose creativity inspires your own.
Stay away from people who do nothing but piggyback on your ideas.
ASK YOURSELF: How much time do you spend with those who inspire and challenge you?
REMEMBER: You are a reflection of the people you hang out with. Which also means you (aren’t) a reflection of the people you (don’t) hang out with.
Choose wisely.
Whom are you staying away from?
For the list called, “23 Boundary Questions to Help You Draw the Line,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!
* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]
Never the same speech twice.
Always about sticking yourself out there.
Watch The Nametag Guy in action here!