NametagTV: Phun with Phone Greetings

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What’s the best phone greeting you’ve ever heard?

Join The Nametag Forum discussion about unforgettable phone greetings here!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

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Customers not telling their friends about you?
Want to learn how to deliver unforgettable service?

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18 Lessons from 18 People Smarter Than Me

1. MARK VICTOR HANSEN said, “Free enterprise means the more enterprising you are, the freer you are!”

What are you doing TODAY to increase your freedom TOMORROW?

2. T.S. ELLIOT said, “The Nobel Prize is a ticket to your own funeral. Nobody has ever done anything after he got it.”

Are you searching for a “finish line”?

3. SETH GODIN said, “The more people you reach, the more likely it is you’re reaching the wrong people.”

Are you worrying about the NUMBER of eyeballs or the RIGHT eyeballs?

4. BARBARA WINTER said, “Ideas are the ancestors of your success.”

How many ideas did you come up with today?

5. R. BUCKMINSTER FULLER said, “Intuition is cosmic fishing, you feel a nibble and then you’ve got to hook the fish.”

Are you listening to what your gut is telling you to write?

6. ROGER SCHANK said, “A question that has a stock answer is always the wrong question.”

What questions are you asking that your competitors aren’t?

7. DAVID LYNCH said, “It doesn’t matter where your idea starts. It matters where it leads you.”

How well are you executing?

8. ESTE LAUDER said, “Risk taking is the cornerstone of empires.”

What three risks have you taken this week?

9. FRANCIS BACON said, “Those ideas that come unsought are commonly the most valuable, and should be secured, because they seldom return.”

What things are you NOT writing down?

10. TOM WATSON said, “Good judgment comes from experience. And experience comes from bad judgment.”

What lessons have you learned from making poor judgment calls?

11. BUDDHA said, “Each day we are born again. What we do today matters most.”

Why are you still thinking about yesterday?

12. PAT WALSH said, “If you want to elevate yourself above other writers, then do it on the page.”

Are you talking shit or just writing really good stuff?

13. DANNY GREGORY said, “Spend less time on success and more time on art.”

How long did you work on your art yesterday?

14. JOHN MAXWELL said, “You can impress people from a distance, but only impact them up close.”

How are you getting people to come to YOU?

15. ELMORE LEONARD said, “If you want to be a good writer, just leave out the parts that people skip.”

Do you (really) think your readers are going to sit through your book’s boring foreword, preface, “how to use this book” page AND an introduction?

16. PAUL SIMON said, “If you start with something that’s false, you’re always covering your tracks.”

Whose material are you stealing?

17. SOME JAPANESE DUDE said, “Don’t seek to follow the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought.”

What questions are you asking your mentors?

18. KAHLIL GIBRAN said, “If he is indeed wise, he does not bid you to enter the house of his own wisdom, but rather leads you to the threshold of your own mind.”

Are you letting the people you serve learn things on their own?

Are you playing with people who are better than you?

For a list called, “153 Quotations to Inspire Your Success,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll hook you up!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Who’s telling their friends about YOU?

Tune in to The Marketing Channel on!

Watch video lessons on spreading the word!

Nametag Guy LIVE: What do YOU do?

How do you answer the question, “So, what do YOU do?”

For a list called, “51 Random Thoughts on Networking,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag

Always about approachability.

Never the same speech twice.

Hire The Nametag Guy for your next meeting!!

9 Ways to become THEE Expert on Just about ANYTHING

1. The sculpture is inside the stone. Don’t just decide to “become” THEE expert on (x). Instead, figure out what you are inherently the expert ON; then position yourself as such.

SO, ASK YOURSELF: What do you know that people would pay money for?

2. Is it WHAT you know, or WHOM you know? Ultimately, the only think you can really be an expert on is yourself. Your experiences. You philosophy. Your unique lens or filter through which you view and process the world.

SO, ASK YOURSELF: If everybody did exactly what you said, what would the world look like?

3. YOU. That’s what people want. That’s what people are attracted to. That’s what people will gladly pay money for: Who you are as a person. Not your “topic,” but the way you think. THAT’s your expertise.

SO, ASK YOURSELF: Are you influencing people through what you know or WHO you are?

4. Perception isn’t just reality – it’s everything! See, it doesn’t matter if you’re the expert. It only matters if you’re the PERCEIVED expert. The obvious expert. The first person that comes to mind. The best positioned person in the minds of your customers, your colleagues and ESPECIALLY the media.

SO, ASK YOURSELF: What does someone have to google to get your name to come up first?

5. Zzzzzzz… OK, so, you’re the expert, right? Big deal. The real question is: Is your expertise relevant? Is it worthwhile? Is it marketable? Is it controversial? And do people even care? See, your challenge is to make your expertise a slice of a slice. A fresh take on an old idea.

SO, ASK YOURSELF: Is your expertise boring?

6. PhD, schmee-h-d. The word “expert” comes from the Latin xperiri, which means, “experience.” So, you don’t need a bunch of fancy degrees or an intimidating job title to be an expert. You need experiences, constant and intelligent reflection upon those experiences, and a platform where you can share what you learned. NOTE: Not what you’ve DONE, but what you’ve LEARNED.

SO, ASK YOURSELF: Are you an expert at learning from your experiences?

7. If you don’t write it down, it never happened. Writing is the basis of all wealth. And if you aren’t writing SOMETHING every single day, it’s going to be near impossible for you to become an expert. So, whether you use blogging, journaling or message boards, take advantage of any available platform to share your expertise.

SO, ASK YOURSELF: What did you write today?

8. UNEED2READ. Whatever topic you’re an expert on, I sure hope you’re read every book (or at least a few hundred books) written about that topic. Period. Experts are readers. Experts are learners. Experts are aware of what the other experts say.

SO, ASK YOURSELF: What did you read today?

9. Access to your smarts. Pretend you’re a consultant. Or a therapist. Or a life coach. Or any other type of listening based, advice-giving professional. And, your first EVER client should be walking into your office any minute now.

SO, ASK YOURSELF: If someone was going to pay you $1000 an hour, what are the questions they’ve got to ask you to get their money’s worth?

And what makes YOU the expert?

For a list called, “16 Questions to Uncover Your Natural-Born Expertise,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag

Always about approachability.

Never the same speech twice.

Hire The Nametag Guy for your next meeting!!

NametagTV: Formula Free Selling

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Join the online discussion in The Nametag Forum about this video here!

How are you customizing every sales pitch?

If you missed the boat last week, you can still buy Jeffrey Gitomer’s Sales Bible New Edition TODAY and receive 40+ bonuses, including my new ebook, 44 Killer Sales Questions Your Competitors Aren’t Asking.

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Sick of selling?
Tired of cold calling?
Bored with traditional prospecting approaches?

Buy Scott’s new book and learn how to sell enable people to buy!

Pick up your copy (or a case!) right here.

25 Passion-Finding Questions to Invite Someone to Talk about What They Love

When people start talking ABOUT or get on the topic OF their passion, it’s interesting to note the changes in their communication patterns.

They get excited.
Their eyes light up.
They become more engaged.

Their emotions heighten.
Their energy level increases.
Their defensiveness decreases.

They become more comfortable.
They seem more relaxed.
Their posture grows sturdier.

They talk with more speed and less effort.
They get on a roll, on a rant or on their soapbox.
They seem like they could go on forever.

Passion. It’s a beautiful thing!

As my hommie Curt Rosengren says, “Passion fuels your career success, strengthens your confidence in your abilities and inspires the persistence it takes to make your dreams reality!”

Well said, Curt.

AND, HERE’S THE BEST PART: Asking about passion is a MILLION times more approachable then asking someone, “So, what do YOU do?”

(As my eyes roll…)

Because of COURSE, we’ve been programmed to default to that question as SOON as we meet someone. That way we can quickly, easily (and usually inaccurately) compartmentalize that person into a neat little box.

BUT, HERE’S THE REALITY: Most people don’t care.

See, it doesn’t really matter what you “do.”

It matters who you ARE.

And in my experience:

Who You Are = What You’re Passionate About

Because passion is everything.
Because passion is what (truly) connects people.
Because passion is the most approachable thing in the world.

THEREFORE: A successful conversation is one in which PASSION is discussed.

Especially if you’ve just getting to know somebody. Steering the conversation into the territory of somebody’s passion is the perfect way to create an engaging, unforgettable encounter.

The challenge, however, is making the transition.

See, if you’re too deliberate with your questions, it may come off as rapport seeking, as opposed to rapport attracting.

Or, you may sound like an unappointed career counselor or a motivational speaker.

And that’s no good.

That’s why you need to be careful. Because if someone gets the impression that you’re only asking passion-finding questions to “fix” or “coach” or manipulate them, they probably won’t open up fully and authentically.

So, without trying to hard, without probing and without being over-determined or over-intentional, here’s your three-word assignment: Ask about passion.

After all, your questions WILL differentiate yourself in the minds of the people you meet.

That is, if you ask the right ones. At the right time. And in the right way.

Hence, today’s list:

25 Passion-Finding Questions to Invite Someone to Talk about What They Love

1. If you could do just one thing all day long and get paid well for doing it, what would you do?
2. If you could only give one speech, for one hour, for one million people, what ONE WORD would that speech be about?
3. If you could only have one section of the bookstore to visit, which section would it be?
4. If you could only subscribe to ONE publication for the rest of your life, what would it be?
5. If you could only work 2 days a week, what would you do?
6. If you could only work 2 hours a week, what would you do?
7. If you could take a sabbatical for one year, where would you go and what would you do?
8. If you didn’t have to work, what would you do all day long?
9. If you were the last human on Earth, what would you still do every day?
10. What activity always makes you lose track of time?
11. What activity gives you the most energy?
12. What brings you to life?
13. What could you talk about forever?
14. What things are you able to do, without even trying?
15. What do you like to do, just for the fun of it?
16. What do you love to do that (you can’t believe) people actually pay you money to do?
17. What do you love to talk about?
18. What do you most enjoy making?
19. What have you always found to be easy?
20. What is the one thing that people couldn’t pay you NOT to do?
21. What pictures or wallet items do you ALWAYS show to people?
22. What questions do you look forward to be asked?
23. When you don’t know what to do, what do you find yourself doing to find your way?
24. Why do you admire the people you admire?
25. You, yourself, are at your best when you’re acting HOW?

– – –

OK! Think you’re (now) ready to start asking some of these Passion-Finding Questions?

Not so fast, Oprah.

Before your start spouting off a bunch of unusual questions to complete strangers, remember a few things:

o Make the right call. Some of these questions are more penetrating and personal than others. So, be sure your timing, context and wording are appropriate. You don’t want the other person to question your questions!

o Don’t overdo it. Now that you’ve read this monstrous list, choose 3-5 of your favorite questions to incorporate into your lexicon. (Any more than that will be too much to remember!) In fact, you could even write your questions on a little card to keep in your wallet as a handy reference.

o Keep it real. When asking PFQ’s, be careful they don’t sound too calculated, rehearsed or unnatural. I suggest you practice asking your favorite questions a dozen or so times until you’ve routinized, internalized and normalized the dialogue.

Ultimately, when you ask someone about her passion – ESPECIALLY a customer – it pays off BIG time in the world of service.

Here’s how:

1. The customer starts talking about her passion.
2. That passion becomes intertwined in the sales conversation.
3. The customer builds and customizes her product or service WITH you.
4. The customer takes ownership since she helped create it.
5. The customer buys it.

Passion! It’s a beautiful (and approachable) thing.

So, next time you meet someone, avoid asking, “So, what do YOU do?”

Instead, invite them to talk about what they love.

If you were the last human on earth, what would YOU still do every day?

For the (full) list called, “86 Passion-Finding Questions to Invite Someone to Talk about What They Love,” you know the drill! Send an email to [email protected] and I’ll give you enough PFQ’s to last a lifetime.

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

What’s YOUR approach?

Join The Nametag Forums! Share stories, best practices and connect with a like-minded community of business professionals who stick themselves out there!

Nametag Guy LIVE: What’s (after) a name?

What are people saying after YOUR name?

For a list called “101 Life Lessons Learned from Wearing a Nametag Everyday,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll hook you up!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag

Always about approachability.

Never the same speech twice.

Hire The Nametag Guy for your next meeting!!

How to preserve your learning

Fantastic! You’ve just learned something new.

The next step is to preserve it.

So, here are the four things you need to do:

FIRST: Preserve your learning by evaluating it.

After all, we learn not from our experiences but from intelligent reflection upon those experiences.

So, ask yourself these questions:

*What else is like this?
*What did I just learn from this experience?
*How does this fit into my theory of the universe?
*Does this statement give me any insight about myself?
*How can the basic concept be applied to different areas?
*What went right/wrong/perfectly about what just happened?

SECOND: Preserve your learning by writing it down.

After all, if you don’t write it down, it never happened.

So, ask yourself these questions:

*How can I blog about this?
*What folder does this go into?
*What journal does this go into?
*How can I make writing a part of this?
*What list can I immediately make this into?
*What are the various ways I can recycle this intellectual property?

THIRD: Preserve your learning by teaching it to others.

After all, you learn something most effectively the moment you teach it to someone else.

So, ask yourself these questions:

*How can I teach this to others?
*Who else needs to know about this?
*What’s the Universal Human Emotion/Experience?
*Through which medium can I best teach this idea to others?
*Now that I’ve written about this, what else does this make possible?
*If everyone did exactly what I said, what would their world look like?

FINALLY: Preserve your learning by leveraging it.

After all, killing two stones with one bird is always the best business practice.

So, ask yourself these questions:

*Where can I use this?
*What else can be made from this?
*How can I make this last forever?
*How many different ways can I leverage this?
*How can I use this to add more value to myself?
*How can this mistake quickly be made into something good?

REMEMBER: Evaluate. Write. Teach. Leverage.

Preserve your learning today!

What’s your content management system?

For a list called “17 Ways to become a Thought Leader,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll gladly hook you up!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag

Still haven’t written your book yet?

Perhaps a friendly kick in the butt will help 😉

Rent Scott’s Brain today!

11 Things to Stop Wasting Your Time On

1. Stop wasting your time … advertising.
If people always hear FROM you instead of ABOUT you, you’re doing something wrong.

AS OSCAR WILDE SAYS: The only thing worse than being talked about is (not) being talked about.

2. Stop wasting your time … trying, in general.
If someone uses the word “trying” a lot, he probably ISN’T.

AS YODA SAYS: There is no try. Only do or do not.

3. Stop wasting your time … trying to prove yourself.
If YOU know you’re good enough, that’s enough.

AS BUDDHA SAYS: He is able who thinks he is able.

4. Stop wasting your time … trying to convince people.
If they don’t “get it” right away, they probably never will.

AS SETH GODIN SAYS: If you can’t explain it in 8 words or less, it’s not a good idea.

5. Stop wasting your time … trying to be better than the competition.
If you position your value correctly, you won’t HAVE any competition.

AS SCOTT GINSBERG SAYS: The best way to eliminate the competition is to not have any.

6. Stop wasting your time … dealing with people who can’t sign the check.
If they’re not the economic buyer, save your breath and move on.

AS ERIC MAISEL SAYS: Playing to the wrong crowd is dangerous.

7. Stop wasting your time … selling to people who just aren’t going to buy.
If they’re just there to kick tires, that’s cool. Greet them warmly and move on to someone else. They’ll come when they’re ready.

AS SCOTT GINSBERG SAYS: If they want you, they’ll find you.

8. Stop wasting your time … selling to people who don’t know how to value you yet.
If they’re not ready for you, they don’t deserve you.

AS DAVID ALLEN SAYS: Saying NO to the wrong person leads to saying YES to the right person.

9. Stop wasting your time … following up with people who never, ever call you back.
If they wanted you, they would have hired you already. You can only call so many times.

AS LAO TZU SAYS: Any over determined behavior produces its opposite.

10. Stop wasting your time … making people happy who aren’t in your target market.
If they’re not your ideal customer, who cares if they don’t like you?

AS MY DAD SAYS: Focus on pleasing the people who PAY.

11. Stop wasting your time … sending prospects your hideous brochures and literature.
If they get it, they will immediately store it in the circular file cabinet.

AS JEFFREY GITOMER SAYS: Your literature is puke!

What are you (no longer) wasting your time on?

For a list called “66 Questions to Prevent Your Time from Managing YOU,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll take care of ya 😉

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag

Always about approachability.

Never the same speech twice.

Hire The Nametag Guy for your next meeting!!

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Since the initial publication of The Sale Bible in 1994, Jeffrey Gitomer has raised himself into the position of sales powerhouse with huge success around an inventively packaged and content filled series of books.

His LITTLE BOOK SERIES™ has sold over two million copies worldwide. Jeffrey has taken the title that began it all, and completely revised it.

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This 300-page bible is THE must-have title for sales professionals who’ve already come to know and trust Jeffrey’s inventive, irreverent sales wisdom through his LITTLE BOOK SERIES™. I’ve already devoured this book myself, and it is AWESOME.

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What’s your favorite piece of Gitomer wisdom?

Share it here!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

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