NametagTV: Giving People Permission

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Or, join the conversation about permission in The Nametag Forums!

How do you give your employees permission?

For the list called, “79 Questions Every Manager Needs to Ask,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

If they can’t come UP to you; how will they ever get BEHIND you?

Buy Scott’s new book and learn daily practices for becoming a more approachable manager!

Pick up your copy (or a case!) right here.

How do you leave people?

1. Do you leave people wondering?
Because you enlisted their creativity.

2. Do you leave people wanting more?
Because you emotionally engaged them.

3. Do you leave people curious?
Because you built a frame of interest and intrigue.

4. Do you leave people laughing?
Because you helped them evoke the humor in their own lives.

5. Do you leave people inspired?
Because you enabled them to give birth to their own realizations.

6. Do you leave people thinking differently about themselves?
Because you challenged them apply something to their own lives.

7. Do you leave people feeling good about themselves?
Because you honored, respected and made them feel essential.

8. Do you leave people thinking, in general?
Because you asked pointed, creative and penetrating questions.

9. Do you leave people reevaluating?
Because something you said made them confront themselves.

10. Do you leave people relieved?
Because you actually listened to them.

How do you leave people?

For a copy of my list called “20 Ways to Make Customers Feel Comfortable,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

How many unsolicited referrals did YOU get this week?

Tune in to The Sales Channel on!

Watch video lessons on enabling customers to buy!

46 Marketing Mistakes Your Company Is (Probably) Making

1. You’re not That Guy.
2. You’re not remarkable.
3. You’re not blogging yet.
4. You’re not marketing daily.
5. You’re not focused at ALL.
6. You’re not using Google Alerts.
7. You’re not word of mouth worthy.
8. You’re not building a permission asset.
9. You’re not reading Seth Godin’s books.
10. You’re not giving enough away for free.
11. You’re not building a timeline of credibility.
12. You’re not the origin; you’re just the echo of someone else’s idea.
13. You’re not leveraging your media appearances in every possible way.

14. You ARE getting talked about, but you don’t know who’s doing the talking.
15. You ARE remarkable, but you’re not relevant. Or worthwhile. Or marketable.
16. You ARE blogging, but you’re not disciplining yourself blog every single day.
17. You ARE blogging every day, but your posts are too long, too safe, uninteresting, unfocused and written with poor architecture and ZERO Call to Action.

18. You’re saying WAY too much.
19. You’re creating noise, not music.
20. You’re trying to force word of mouth.
21. You’re the observer, not the observed.
22. You’re trying to hard to convince people.
23. You’re trying to be the arrow instead of the target.
24. You’re worried about marketshare, not mindshare.
25. You’re interrupting people, not interacting with them.
26. You’re relying on your customers to connect the dots.
27. You’re marketing efforts cause customers to hear FROM you, not ABOUT you.
28. You’re trying too hard to be authentic, which results in you NOT being authentic.
29. You’re sitting around waiting for your annoying, low-rent YouTube video to “go viral.”
30. You’re using WAY too much text on EVERYTHING. (Come on. Nobody’s gonna read all that crap.)

31. You’re (still) calling it “marketing.”
32. You’re (still) calling them “customers.”
33. You’re (still) wasting your money on advertising.
34. You’re (still) using Papyrus as your company’s primary font.

35. You think people care.
36. You think people have time.
37. You think customers aren’t smart.
38. You think putting up a MySpace page is (actually) going to help grow your business.

39. You don’t know who you are.
40. You don’t have enough samples out there.

41. You take too long to return calls and emails.
42. You stop marketing when you become successful.
43. You have a strong web-SITE, but a weak web-PRESENCE.

44. Your marketing looks like marketing.
45. Your goal is to make money, not create positive change.
46. Your company name includes words like “Associates,” “Communications,” “Creative,” “Kwik,” “Premiere,” “Solutions,” “Deluxe” and “Ultimate.”

If you stopped advertising, would ANYBODY even notice?

For a copy of the list called, “37 Words that Should NOT be in Your Company Name,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Who’s telling their friends about YOU?

Tune in to The Marketing Channel on!

Watch video lessons on spreading the word!

Just be yourself, and here’s what (might) happen…

When you’re willing to stick yourself out there – that is, to proudly be yourself anytime, anywhere in front of any ONE – people usually respond in one of three ways:

1. Be yourself, and they become threatened.

Because their insecurity is uprooted.
Because they WISH they had the guts to stick themselves out there.
Because when they see you living your authentic life, deep down they know they’re not living their own. Damn it!

AND AS A RESULT: They might lash out, become aggressive with, insult, ignore or oppose you.

2. Be yourself, and they become inspired.

Because you’ve given them permission to be themselves.
Because, hey, if you can make it by being yourself, they can to!
Because there’s nothing cooler, more beautiful and more approachable than being around someone who’s totally comfortable with who they are.

AND AS A RESULT: They might thank you, commend you, compliment you or even cry like a baby as they give you a big hug.

3. Be yourself, and they become validated.

Because you’ve walked the same walk as them.
Because you’ve confirmed their decision to be themselves.
Because you’ve reassured them that they’re not the only crazy ones out there!

AND AS A RESULT: You’ll discover a spiritual, artistic and (truly) human connection between each other.

What (or whom) is stopping you from being yourself?

For the list called, “100 People (Not) To Listen To,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

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The more imitatable you are, the less valuable you are

That being said, ask yourself these questions:

1. How many other people do what you do?
2. How many other people do it the way you do it?
3. How easily do people confuse you with someone else?
4. How easily do people confuse your company with another one?
5. If someone tried to steal your shtick, how easy would it be for that person to pull it off?
6. If someone starting using your material, how long would it take before their customers or audience members or readers would say, “Dude, wait, that’s not YOUR story…!”

The more imitatable you are, the less valuable you are.

Be un-competable.
Be un-confusable.
Be un-disputable.
Be un-stealable.

How imitatable are you?

For the list called, “18 Marketing Questions to Uncover Uncontested Waters,” send an email to me and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Never the same speech twice.
Always about approachability.

Watch The Nametag Guy in action here!

NametagTV: Be The Observed

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To watch the original video and join the discussion on The Nametag Forums, click here!

What makes YOU The Observed?

For a list called, “123 Questions Every Marketer Must Ask,” send an email to me and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Who’s telling their friends about YOU?

Tune in to The Marketing Channel on!

Watch video lessons on spreading the word!

Put a premium on your own ideas

BIG QUESTION: Does a lower price make you more affordable … or less attractive?

I’ll let you make the call on that one.

However, while you’re thinking about that, allow me to offer my theory.

Because in my experience, if you charge a robust fee for your services, a few things happen:

1. HIGHER FEES MEAN … People will take you seriously.
Because you’ve demonstrated confidence in your work.

AFTER ALL: People don’t want to hire you if you don’t believe in your product.

2. HIGHER FEES MEAN … People will know you mean business.
Because there’s a higher investment at stake.

THINK ABOUT IT: Does anyone doubt Donald Trump’s intentions?

3. HIGHER FEES MEAN … People will be intrigued by your offer.
Because higher prices aren’t just shocking, they’re tempting.

FOR EXAMPLE: Ever wanted to order the lobster solely because it cost $75?

4. HIGHER FEES MEAN … People will be (a lot) more likely to listen to your advice.
Because if you charge a lot, odds are you’re pretty smart.

AND OF COURSE: People listen to smart people.

5. HIGHER FEES MEAN … People will only reach out to you if they’re serious.
Because you will have pre-qualified them, and disqualified the bloodsuckers.

AND THANK GOD: Because you don’t have time to waste on people who don’t know how to value you yet.

6. HIGHER FEES = People will perceive the quality of your work as being higher.
Because in their experience, higher prices (usually) mean higher value.

SO, ASK YOURSELF: Which has more pereceived quality: A $30,000 car or a $200,000 car?

7. HIGHER FEES = People will be more likely to take action after listening to you.
Because they want to see a return on their investment.

WHEREAS: If you hadn’t charged a premium – or if you hadn’t charged ANYTHING for your services – they wouldn’t have felt obligated to take any action.

But that’s just how it works for my company.

Only you can decide whether or not to put a premium on your own ideas.

Are you charging enough?

For a list called, “20 Types of Value You MUST Deliver,” send an email to me and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Speaking of premium ideas…

How about someone who (actually) listens and facilitates creative breakthroughs?

Rent Scott’s Brain today!

Nametag Guy LIVE: Philosophy Cards

If everybody did exactly what you said, what would the world look like?

Need some help on that question? No prob. For the list called, “25 Questions to Uncover Your BEST,” send an email to me and I’l send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Always about approachability.

Never the same speech twice.

Hire The Nametag Guy for your next meeting!!

Talking too fast = Not approchable

Some people talk WAY too fast.


But I think this happens for several reasons:

o They’re excited.
o They’re nervous.
o They’re in a rush.
o They’re emotional.
o They’re high on crack.
o They’re uncomfortable.
o They’re anxious or tense.
o They’re just the kind of person who always talks too fast.

Which is totally cool.

Sometimes, talking fast is necessary.

And sometimes, talking fast is (seemingly) uncontrollable.

However, you DO have a choice.

See, when you talk too fast, here’s what happens:

o Won’t be ABLE to chime in.
o Will have to work too hard to chime in.
o Won’t have time to process what you’re saying.
o Might not feel they have the space to think differently.
o May become intimidated or overwhelmed by your urgent and anxious speech.

o May become stressed.
o Won’t breathe enough.
o Will discover that you words don’t carry as much influence.
o Won’t have the space in your own mind to process your thoughts.
o Will notice that your urgent and anxious speech may threaten or confuse people.

So, take it straight from someone who (admittedly) talks too fast too often 🙂

Here are six best practices for slowing down your speech to a more approachable pace:

1. Awareness. In spiritual practices like yoga, meditation and mindfulness, awareness is the first step to mastery. So, simply recognizing that you’ve been talking too fast is a GREAT start.

(HONESTLY) ASK YOURSELF: Are you talking too fast?

2. Breathe. Just stop. Inhale for three seconds through your nose. Hold for one second. Exhale for six seconds through your mouth.

This mindfulness exercise will lower your heart rate and help you focus on the present moment. (Thanks to my hero, Eric Maisel for this technique.)

(HONESTLY) ASK YOURSELF: Are there enough breaths between your words?

3. Reminders. Consider posting a few sticky notes on your phone, desk or computer screen to keep yourself accountable, i.e., “Slooooooow…” “Breathe” or “Pause.”

(HONESTLY) ASK YOURSELF: How will you remind yourself to slow down?

4. Ask for feedback. Simply ask your conversation partners, “Am I going to fast?” or “Are you following everything I’m saying?” These pacing questions will help keep you on track.

(HONESTLY) ASK YOURSELF: Is this person’s body language silently asking me to slow down?

5. Pause. Silence is OK! Before and after you ASK a question. Before and after you ANSWER a question. Before and after you SAY something profound.

Remember; don’t feel the need to speak just for the sake of speaking. Learn to harness the power of the pause for emphasis AND to create space in the conversation.

(HONESTLY) ASK YOURSELF: Ever had a conversation with someone who NEVER paused?

6. Monitor. Record a few of your conversations. During playback, notice when your vocal velocity increases. Notice when it decreases. Notice how your conversation partner responds.

This exercise will give you an objective look at your speech patterns.

(HONESTLY) ASK YOURSELF: Would YOU want to have a conversation with you?

How do you slow down your speech when you KNOW you’re talking too fast?

For the list called, “17 Behaviors to Avoid for Effective Listening,” you know the drill: Send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Sick of selling?
Tired of cold calling?
Bored with traditional prospecting approaches?

Buy Scott’s new book and learn how to sell enable people to buy!

Pick up your copy (or a case!) right here.

27 Things to Do FIRST

1. First, ante up.
Because you’ve got to pay yer dues.

2. First, choose roles.
Because you need a foundation.

3. First, think about the fourth sale.
Because it’s not really a sale – it’s a process. It’s a relationship.

4. First, convey personality.
Because that’s what people buy.

5. First, deliver value.
Because if you don’t, you’re nothing.

6. First, get paid.
Because nothing happens until a sale is made.

7. First, pay yourself.
Because you deserve it.

8. First, create SOMETHING.
Because it sets the stage for the rest of your day.

9. First, start writing.
Because writing is the basis of all wealth.

10. First, make a list.
Because if you don’t write it down, it never happened.

11. First, ask Google.
Because if it doesn’t exist on Google, it doesn’t exist.

12. First, discover your WHAT.
Because if you get stopped by not knowing HOW, you’ll never make any progress.

13. First, think design.
Because the medium is the message, and design is EVERYTHING.

14. First, conquer yourself.
Because that’s the toughest battle of all.

15. First, love yourself.
Because nobody else will if you don’t.

16. First, lead yourself.
Because you can’t rightly lead others until you’ve led yourself.

17. First, manage yourself.
Because you can’t rightly manage others until you’ve managed yourself.

18. First, market yourself.
Because if you don’t make a name for yourself; someone will make one FOR you.

19. First, sell yourself.
Because it’s the most important sale in the world.

20. First, develop friendships.
Because people want to do business with their friends.

21. First, do it for free.
Because the more you give away for free, the wealthier you will be.

22. First, put people.
Because people buy from people, people trust people, and people are loyal to people.

23. First, focus on THEIR agenda.
Because your agenda will only block listening.

24. First, your heart will see it.
Because your other senses are too slow.

25. First, focus on your health.
Because without it, nothing else matters.

26. First, focus on your family.
Because they’re only the people who will still love you, even when you act like a complete putz. (Trust me, I would know!)

27. First, focus on character.
Because in the end, that’s all that really matters.

What do you always do first?

For a list called, “8 Ways to Move Quickly on New Opportunities,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll hook you up!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag

Coaching, schmoaching.

How about someone who (actually) listens and facilitates creative breakthroughs?

Rent Scott’s Brain today!

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