Why are you relaxing your marketing efforts?

Think back to the last time you heard an entrepreneur say one of the following things:

o “I’ll get around to doing some marketing when I get back in town.”
o “This month all my attention is focused on marketing!”
o “As soon as the summer hits, it’s marketing time!”
o “I really need to be doing some marketing this week…”


Marketing is something you need to do EVERY day.

Period. No exceptions. Q.E.D. End of story!

Every. Single. Day.

Now, I understand this is a difficult concept for a lot of entrepreneurs to swallow.

And I respect that. Because not everyone has the time, money or resources to do marketing EVERY single day.

…Or do they?

Well, it depends on how you define marketing.

Personally, I think it’s easy to do marketing every day — IF you practice the following:

Find a way to transform EVERYTHING you do into some form of marketing.


Every email.
Every blog post.
Every sales call.
Every conversation.
Every networking event.
Every piece of snail mail.
Every phone conversation.


Of course, that doesn’t mean shamelessly promoting your products and services at every possibly opportunity.

All that does is interrupt (and, therefore) bother people.

BUT, THE GOOD NEWS IS: Marketing, as a verb, can be simply defined as “sharing.”

That’s it. One word. Sharing.

So, here’s what you do…

At the beginning of each workday, ask yourself ONE question:

How WILL I share my company’s uniqueness today?

Then, at the end of each workday, ask yourself ONE question:

How DID I share my company’s uniqueness today?

Do that consistently, and after six months, you’ll have more business than you’ll know what to do with.

REMEMBER: Entrepreneurs who only do marketing “here and there,” will only get new business … here and there.

Why are you relaxing your marketing efforts?

For the list called, “101 Ways to Create a Powerful Web Presence,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

What’s YOUR approach?

Join The Nametag Forums! Share stories, best practices and connect with a like-minded community of business professionals who stick themselves out there!

Take ownership of your words

“People seem to think…”
“Someone told me that…”
“They say we shouldn’t…”
“I’ve heard everyone saying…”

No. Unspecified attribution isn’t going to cut it.

People want to know what YOU think. What YOU believe. What YOU say.

LESSON LEARNED: Take ownership of your words.

It’s more confident.
It’s more persuasive.
It’s more approachable.

So, next time you feel yourself slipping into the Unspecified Abyss, save yourself with these Phrases That Payses:

o As I remember it
o As I see it
o Here’s what I think…
o It seems to me…
o I believe…
o My point of view is…
o My preference would be…
o The way I see it is…

REMEMBER: There is no “They.” Only you.

Are you taking ownership of your words?

For a copy of the list called,”8 Phrases That Payses to Reduce Emotional Reactivity,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

How many unsolicited referrals did YOU get this week?

Tune in to The Sales Channel on NametagTV.com!

Watch video lessons on enabling customers to buy!

Adventures in Nametagging: Why Swiss Chocolate Rules

What’s your favorite kind of chocolate?

Tell us why!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Nobody talking about your business?

Bummer. Perhaps I could help on a more personal, one-on-one basis.

Rent Scott’s Brain today!

15 Compelling Reasons to Start Blogging TODAY

Should I blog?

I get that question a lot.

So, as a writer AND entrepreneur, I usually tell people the same thing every time.

“Should I blog?” They ask.

“Well, that depends…” I say.

1. Do you WANT to change the world?
2. Do you WANT to grow your business?
3. Do you WANT to attract new clients?
4. Do you WANT to become better known?
5. Do you WANT to lower your customer acquisition costs?
6. Do you WANT to reduce your average sales cycle?
7. Do you WANT to sell more products?
8. Do you WANT to build a following?
9. Do you WANT to deliver constant value to your fans?
10. Do you WANT to boost your Google Juice?
11. Do you WANT to be interviewed by the media?
12. Do you WANT to share your philosophy with the world?
13. Do you WANT to have a platform on which you can define, refine and broadcast your voice?
14. Do you WANT to increase the depth and breadth of your expertise?
15. Do you WANT to attract new opportunities that just come to you out of the blue?

I hope you see my point.

See, if you answered “yes” to any of those questions, THAT’S why you should blog.

And, after HEARING all those questions, if you’re STILL not convinced that you should blog, then you probably shouldn’t blog.

Why do you blog?

For the list called, “10 Reasons (Excuses) You’re NOT Blogging Yet,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Never the same speech twice.
Always about approachability.

Watch The Nametag Guy in action here!

Three Words of Advice: Encouragement

(To read past posts in this series, check this out!)

Encourage aggressive mistakes.
Because mistakes reveal individuality and demonstrate courage.

Encourage creative dissent.
Because blindly agreeing doesn’t get us anywhere.

Encourage customer candor.
Because they know where you suck.

Encourage direct interaction.
Because in a commoditized market, the key differentiator is service.

Encourage honest self-evaluation.
Because if you can’t be honest with yourself, who CAN you be honest with?

Encourage input early.
Because it prevents snowballs and covers all your bases.

Encourage intellectual freedom.
Because that’s where innovation grows.

Encourage reluctant people.
Because they probably have the best insight.

What’s your secret to encouragement?

For the list called, “79 Questions Every Manager Needs to Ask,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Nobody talking about your business?

Bummer. Perhaps I could help on a more personal, one-on-one basis.

Rent Scott’s Brain today!

Eyeballs are overrated

In March of 2005, I set up my MySpace page.

Within a week, my website traffic TRIPLED.

Holy eyeballs, Batman!

I was pretty excited. Told everybody about it. Even bragged a bit to my colleagues, jokingly nudging them, “So, when are you gonna set up YOUR MySpace page?”

Yep. I thought I was pretty savvy.

Until, over the next few months, I noticed something.

See, notwithstanding my recent increase in traffic, I wasn’t making any additional sales.

Wasn’t receiving a significant increase in leads from potential clients.

Wasn’t seeing ANY tangible conversations from the dramatic increase in traffic.


And then something occurred to me:

The majority of the 300 million people on MySpace were under the age of 21.

Which meant they were NOT my target customers.
Which meant they were NOT interesting in buying anything.
Which meant they were NOT interesting in hiring me for anything.


At which point, I learned something powerful:

Eyeballs are overrated.

See, it’s not about HOW MANY eyeballs you capture; it’s WHOSE eyeballs you capture, ask Seth Godin taught me.

Because all the traffic in the world doesn’t do you any good (except for maybe a temporary ego boost) … unless it actually converts into something worthwhile.

Maybe that means sales.
Maybe that means sales leads.
Maybe that means phone calls from the media.
Maybe that means email addresses to add to your permission asset.

Whatever your e-currency is, just make sure you remember what really matters.

It’s WHOSE, not how many.

Because eyeballs are overrated.

What else do you think is overrated?

For the list called, “101 Ways to Create a Powerful Web Presence,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

New website go live this week?

Tune in to The Entrepreneur Channel on NametagTV.com!

Watch video lessons on spreading the word!

What if everybody DID wear nametags?

After 2,807 days, I (still) don’t think EVERYONE should wear nametags.


Sometimes, it IS kind of fun to reminisce about all my experiences (positive AND negative) and wonder, “Well, what if everybody DID wear nametags?”

So, here’s what I think.

I guess I’m the most qualified person in the world to answer this question…

If everybody in the world wore nametags:

1. People would be nicer to each other. Because it’s easier to make fun of someone when you don’t know anything about them.

2. People would hold each other accountable. For example, “Excuse me, Steve, but were you going to pay for those jump drives you just stuffed in your jacket pocket?”

3. People would hold themselves accountable. “Dang it, I better not go into that strip club. One of my employees might recognize me,” the CEO thinks.

4. People wouldn’t litter as much. “Hey honey! Today I saw your boss, Ted, dump his ashtray in the river!”

5. People would be more willing to give to the homeless. Because they wouldn’t be “the homeless” anymore. They would be human beings. With names. Just like us.

6. People wouldn’t commit as many crimes. Ever tried to rob a 7-11 with a nametag on? (I actually had a dream about that one time. And Tommy Lee Jones totally arrested me. Weird. )

7. The Police would solve crimes a lot quicker. Because victims, bystanders and security cameras would be able to remember and identify their perpetrators. “Sir, do you recall what the gunman looked like?” asks the detective. “Um, not really, but I DO know his name was Randy Harrison.” “Oh. Well, thanks! Case closed!”

8. People would have less anonymity and privacy. Which could lead to boundary violations and stalkers. (Both of which I’ve had. Not fun.)

9. People would stop cutting in lines. Imagine 100 people yelling, “Stacy is a cutter! Stacy is a cutter!” Awk-ward.

10. People wouldn’t start as many fights. I only say this because, in my experience, it’s a lot harder to beat the crap out of a stranger if he’s wearing a nametag – even though people have still beat me up for doing so 😉

11. People wouldn’t have to feel embarrassed about forgetting names. And EVERYBODY, no matter how old they are, forgets names.

12. People would feel more comfortable around each other. Because (now) they don’t have to worry about remembering names.

13. People wouldn’t avoid approaching someone they “sort of” know. Because they could just say, “Oh yeah, that’s Margie! I remember her. Thank God for that nametag, huh? I’m gonna go say hi.” Conflict creates avoidance.

14. People with Alzheimer’s wouldn’t feel so bad. Take THAT, memory loss!

15. People could honorably address each other by their names. As opposed to snapping their fingers, waving their hands, poking their shoulder or use any other form of rude, demeaning come-here gesture.

16. People wouldn’t have to fake friendliness. No need to call each other by those annoying name-substitutes like dude, buddy, partner, sport, feller, sweetheart, baby, hot stuff or HEY, DUMBASS!

17. People would be more honest. I just think it’s harder to lie to someone when you’re wearing a nametag. Just my experience.

18. People would be more likely to start conversations with strangers. I know I’ve met about 150,000 of them!

19. People would have more self-esteem. Because they would be addressed, approached and recognized more often and in a more personal way. And people create their identities based on how people respond to them.

20. People wouldn’t be able to give fake names. Which may or may not be a good thing, depending on which person is hitting on you.

21. People would DELIVER better service. Because it’s easier to offer bad service to someone you don’t know. And conversely, it’s easier to offer good service to someone you DO know. Not to mention the familiarity factor, since wearing a nametag expedites your familiarity in the eyes of the service provider, turning you into an instant regular in their minds. And we all know what happens to regulars when they walk in the room: “Hey Norm!”

22. People would tip better. Because service would be better.

23. People would make more money. Because people would tip better.

24. People would feel closer to each other in general. See, the greatest power of knowing someone’s name is that it reduces the social distance between you and that person. Physically AND emotionally. When you know someone’s name, you’re immediately closer to that person.

25. People wouldn’t have to depend on alcohol or smoking as their (only) methods of socialization. Instead of saying, “Can I buy you a drink?” “Shots?” or “You got a light you sexy mama?” people could just use each other’s names. Gosh, imagine that.

26. People wouldn’t have to use cheesy pick up lines. Instead of saying, “So, are you waiting for anyone in particular or just me?” single people could get more creative with their approaches by saying something like, “So, is Sven a Norwegian name?”

What do you think would happen if everybody wore nametags?

For the list called, “101 Life Lessons Learned from Wearing a Nametag 24-7,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

What’s YOUR approach?

Join The Nametag Forums! Share stories, best practices and connect with a like-minded community of business professionals who stick themselves out there!

Figure out why (and where) others failed

Any time you share coffee, lunch or rent the brain of a successful person, you need to figure out why (and where) they FAILED.

Sure, you can ask about and learn from their successes.

But odds are, you’ll glean the most wisdom from hearing about their screw-ups.

The mistakes.
The lessons learned.
The experiences that taught them the most.

Here are some questions you can ask:

1. What was the biggest mistake you made in your first year of business?
2. What are the three biggest mistakes made by people in your industry?
3. What is the stupidest possible thing I could be doing right now?
4. If you had to do it all over again, what would you do differently?
5. What’s on your list of “Things I’ll Never Do Again”?
6. What things do you wish you started doing earlier?
7. Complete the following sentence: “I would have been a lot more successful had I never…”

Mistakes away!

How do you learn from your mistakes?

For the list called, “65 Things I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me When I First Started My Company,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Never the same speech twice.
Always about approachability.

Watch The Nametag Guy in action here!

The Nametag Guy Recognized as St. Louis’s Top Young Entrepreneur of 2008!

Great news!

Mainly for my parents, but…

Every summer, the July issue of The St. Louis Small Business Monthly selects a handful of Top Young Entrepreneurs in St. Louis.

I was excited and honored to be featured on the list!

You can read an enlarged image of the article here, and check out some of the other winners here.

What’s your entrepreneurial secret to success?

For the list called, “99 Ways to Think Like An Entrepreneur, Even If You Aren’t One,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

New website go live this week?

Tune in to The Entrepreneur Channel on NametagTV.com!

Watch video lessons on spreading the word!

Are you unlabelable?

Human beings LOVE to put (instant) mental labels on each other.

It’s almost as if – when we meet people for the first time – we’re just DYING to find SOMETHING (anything!) to trigger that mental label maker.

And we can’t feel comfortable talking to someone without it.

Because, sadly, simply “existing as human beings” – nothing more, nothing less – just isn’t enough.

So, instead of knowing someone as just “Tom,” there’s got to be more.

Tom’s job title.
Tom’s last name.
Tom’s occupation.
Tom’s country of origin.
Tom’s years of experience.
Tom’s choices on what to do (or NOT do).

Something. Anything. Just so we can satisfy our need to commoditize each other.

So, that’s why I like nametags.

Because you get to label yourself first.

Before anyone else gets the chance.

And this removes the possibility of someone else mentally labeling you as anything … other than your name.

Because you beat them to the punch.

And ultimately, it makes you unlabelable. Sweet.

REMEMBER: If you don’t make a name for yourself, someone will make one for you.

Are you unlabelable?

For the list called, “100 People (Not) To Listen To,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

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