BEHOLD! The Almighty Philosophy Card

People want to do business with (and be around) other people who have their own philosophy.

Their own unique approach.
To business. To life.

A way to treat customers.
Online and off.

How they roll.
Alone and in front of others.

Your own philosophy = approachable.

For the past seven years, I’ve been perfecting mine.

If this is your first time here, it goes a little something like this:

HELLO, my name is Philosophy
1. People buy people first.
2. Friendly always wins.
3. Make the mundane memorable.
4. Unique, not different.
5. Interaction, not interruption.
6. Be That Guy,
7. Fans, not customers.
8. Don’t sell, enable people to buy.
9. Consistency is far better than rare moments of greatness.
10. If you don’t make a name for yourself, someone will make one for you.

So, since having your own philosophy is such a great example of approachability, I’ve been challenging my readers and audience members to take it one step further by creating their own “Philosophy Card.” (Pictured above is the Philosophy Card sent in by my new friend Mike Morroco from Bella Railings.)

Ready to create yours?

Here’s what it (could) look like:

*Business card size
*Thick, glossy
*Double sided, one side containing your branding, the other containing your philosophy

Here’s what you (might) do with it:

*Give it to everybody
*Use IN ADDITION to your business card
*Leave it behind as a handout

All you have to do is ask yourself one question: “If everybody did exactly what I said, what would the world look like?”

Your answers = your philosophy.

It’s gold Jerry, GOLD!

I submit to you that my Philosophy Card is the single greatest marketing/networking/branding tool I own.

And I know it will work for you too.

What’s your philosophy?

I dare you. I double dare you. No, wait. I TRIPLE DOG DARE YOU to create your own Philosophy Card and mail it to my address:

HELLO, my name is Scott!
7563 Oxford Drive #2 South
St. Louis, MO 63105

I’ll post it on a future blog entry for all the world to see!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
Author/Speaker/That Guy with the Nametag

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HELLO, my name is Manifesto

When I read Seth’s manifesto on Gaping Void yesterday, it truly inspired me.

I’ve actually been wanting to finish my own manifesto for a while now. Thanks to Seth, this week I finally got around to it:

HELLO, my name is Manifesto

1. Friendly always wins. Because it’s easier. Because, shockingly, not enough people are friendly. And because our world needs it.

2. Consistency is far greater than rare moments of greatness. Don’t pick and choose the people with whom you are genuine. Maintain congruency of character.

3. Make the mundane memorable. Do something cool every day. Break the silence. Break people’s patterns. Turn strangers into friends. Turn friends into customers. Turn customers into FANS. Be unforgettable.

4. Fans, not customers. Customers, schmustomers. Fans are the people who “love your stuff,” will go to the ends of the earth to work with you, will tell all their friends about you, and don’t need to be sold. Obtain them, love them, stay in front of them.

5. Be That Guy. Even if you’re not a guy. Branding is about becoming somebody who reminds everybody of nobody else. It’s about owning a word in the mind of the people you serve. It’s about being unique, not different.

6. Networking works. Because you just never know. That’s why, simply put, you should talk to everybody. And not because you want to get referrals, make sales or pass out 147 business cards; but because you want to develop and maintain mutually valuable relationships. After all, you can’t spell networking without W-O-R-K.

7. Interaction, not interruption. Make direct contact with your customers and prospects. Build community. Stop trying to sell stuff to everybody. Don’t interrupt or annoy people, rather, interact with them. Customers are excited about interacting and participating with cool stuff, cool people and cool ideas that make them feel comfortable and respected.

8. Don’t sell; enable people to buy. Concentrate your marketing efforts on creating a sense of attraction, a sense of gravity; that magnetizes customers, prospects and fans toward your company through a process of delivering value via your brand. It’s not who you know; it’s who knows you.

9. People buy people first. Before your company, before your products, before your services, before your ideas, before your suggestions, before your work, they buy YOU first. So, put your values before vocation, beliefs before business, person before profession, individuality before industry. And remember, Since you must sell yourself before selling your product, you must sell yourself on yourself. So believe in yourself.

10. If you don’t make a name for yourself, someone will make one for you. You can participate in the creation of your profession reputation, but you can’t control it. And you no longer have just your name, you have your name – PLUS – what people say after it.

Do you have a manifesto?

Email [email protected] with your manifesto (500 words or less). Submit no later than December 11, 2006, and I’ll post my favorites on this blog!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
Author/Speaker/That Guy with the Nametag

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