NametagTV: Best Practices, Volume 1

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Watch the original video on NametagTV!

What question do you help your clients answer?

For a list called, “99 Ways to Think Like an Entrepreneur, Even If You Aren’t One,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]

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NametagTV: Be That Guy

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Watch the original video on NametagTV!

How do your words demonstrate ownership?

For a list called, “26 Ways to Out Brand the Competition,” send an email to me, and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
Author, Speaker, Coach, Entrepreneur
[email protected]

The world’s FIRST two-in-one, flip-flop book!

Buy Scott’s comprehensive marketing guidebook on and learn how to GET noticed, GET remembered and GET business!

Nametag Guy LIVE: Word Ownership

What word do you own?

For a list called, “24 Questions to Discover Which Word You Own,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll hook you up!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag

Coaches? Consultants? Bah!

How about a professional listener and creative midwife?

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Yeah, it’s remarkable, BUT…

There are a LOT of remarkable ideas out there.
There are a LOT of remarkable people out there.
There are a LOT of remarkable businesses out there.


Remarkability is no longer enough.

In my experience, there are two levels of remarkability.

First, there’s BASELINE remarkability.

“Something worth making a remark about,” as Seth Godin explained in Purple Cow.

Which is good. And essential.

But again, it’s not enough.

See, in ADDITION to (just) being remarkable; you, your idea and your business must advance to the second level: ENDURING remarkability.

Which means answering, “Yes!” to the following questions:

1. Yeah, it’s remarkable … but is it relevant?
Because if it isn’t, no media outlet will give you the time of day.

2. Yeah, it’s remarkable … but do people even care?
Because if they don’t, they’re not going to take any action as a result.

3. Yeah, it’s remarkable … but is it worthwhile?
Because if it’s not, nobody is going to see any value behind it.

4. Yeah, it’s remarkable … but is it marketable?
Because if it’s not, you’ll waste your company’s time, money and energy.

5. Yeah, it’s remarkable … but is there quality substance behind it?
Because if there isn’t, it doesn’t matter how many people are talking about it.

6. Yeah, it’s remarkable … but does it support your brand?
Because if it doesn’t, what’s the point?

– – –

That’s enduring remarkability. And now, to go a bit deeper, consider these three examples:

1. Remember the story about the girl who had been hiccuping for three weeks? OK, I admit, that was pretty funny. And she got LOTS of media attention.

BUT, HERE’S MY QUESTION: What were people supposed to do, feel or think differently as a result?

AND, HERE’S MY OTHER QUESTION: Where is that girl NOW?

2. YouTube has a LOT of really funny, really ridiculous videos that are certainly remarkable. Hey, even I’ve emailed friends encouraging them to check out certain clips.

BUT, HERE’S MY QUESTION: Are YouTube viewing experiences anything other than 20 seconds of mindless entertainment?

WHICH LEADS TO MY OTHER QUESTION: In a year, will anybody care about (or even remember) a video about some 12 year-old kid who sang karaoke to Queen in his mom’s basement?

3. Remember Crystal Pepsi? Sure, it was a cool, novel idea that LOTS of people told their friends about.

BUT, HERE’S MY QUESTION: Did all that hype change the fact that Crystal Pepsi tasted like feet?

AND, HERE’S MY OTHER QUESTION: Does word of mouth even matter if the product lacks the quality to support it?

– – –

Ultimately, when it comes to being remarkable, remember three things:
Don’t force it.
Because it won’t be authentic.

Don’t be all shtick and no substance.
Because you need to have both.

Don’t be remarkable just for the sake of being remarkable.
Because that’s not going to last.

Instead, make sure you, your idea and your company are remarkable on (both) baseline AND enduring levels.

Otherwise, people can talk all they want about you.

But it won’t be enough.

Why are people talking about YOU?

For a list called, “19 Ways to Build Buzz about Your New Website,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll help you build baseline AND enduring remarkability!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

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5 Ways to Position Yourself as a Resource

You’re not a salesperson.
You’re not a consultant.
You’re not a therapist.
You’re not a blogger.
You’re not a writer.
You’re not a coach.

You’re a RESOURCE.

An individual who possesses a valuable supply of (something) that can be readily drawn on when needed.

A resource.

Get. That. Through. Your. Head.

See, when you position yourself as a resource, four things happen:

1. You BECOME the Go-To Person.
2. You DELIVER unique, consistent value.
3. You ESTABLISH mindshare with the people you serve.
4. You ENHANCE your approachability people come BACK to you.

Sound good?

Cool. Here are five daily practices for positioning yourself as a resource:

1. Blog. Once you’ve been blogging steadily for a year or two, you’ll start to accumulate a powerful intellectual asset. And especially if you’ve tagged, titled and categorized your posts strategically, it will be quick and easy to find the right posts at the right time. That way, you could leverage past posts as resources in several ways.

For example, you could…

a. Send emails with relevant links to prospects and clients.
b. Post a “Best Of” list that links to a variety of posts on the same topic.
c. Write an ebook, special report or whitepaper as a compendium of related posts.

2. Catalog. If you’re an avid reader, (and if you’re not, you’re NUTS) a great suggestion is to take a weekend to catalog your personal success library. Sure, it might be a tedious process. But once you’re finished, you’ll not only be more organized, you’ll also be able to use your books as resources for others in a variety of way.

For example, you could…

a. Pull a few key ideas from each book and create a master quote list.
b. Write out a summary document for your Top 20 Favorite Books and start a lens on Squidoo.
c. Create a “Reading for Success” list to pass along to clients, colleagues and coworkers. Use it as a Call To Action at the end of your articles or blog posts, i.e., “For a list of my top 100 books of all time, send an email to…”

3. Introductions. My friend Arthur is the ULTIMATE resource. At the end of every lunch, coffee or brainstorming session we have, he’s always got a list of five people I need to call. Or email. Or get in touch with.

It’s great! And every time he does that, it makes me FEEL great, too. What about you? Are you the kind of person who leaves people with a solid to-do list?

If not, try these incorporating these types of “introductions” into your resource practice:

a. Every Monday morning ask the question, “What two people do I know that need to meet each other?” Send out one email intro every week.
b. Every time you attend a networking event ask the question, “How many referrals can I give while I’m here?” Shoot for five.
c. Every first of the month ask the question, “What two people do I know that I can bring together with for a brainstorming lunch?” They’ll love you!

4. Links. Constantly update and refresh your list of links to articles, blog posts, stories, pictures, videos and clippings that relate to your specific area of expertise. Keep a running list that includes each link AND the type of person (or actual person) who would benefit from reading it.

Then, when you send it out, use Phrases That Payses like:

a. “Thought of you when I read this!”
b. “Hey, isn’t this your main competitor?”
c. “I hope you’ve seen this before – it directly relates to your bottom line!”

5. No’s. If a prospective customer shows interest in your products or services, but you discover you’re NOT the right person or company to help, never say (just) no. Say “No, although I know someone who CAN help you…” That way, you’re still marketing. You still look like the hero. And you’re still associated with the solution to their problem.

And hey, you never know: they may come back in the future when they ARE the right type of customer for you!

Try verbiage like this:

a. “I’d prefer to decline than do a poor job. However, my friend Paul would be the PERFECT guy for you to contact. His website is…”
b. “Although our company probably isn’t the right fit for your project, you may want to try calling some of our friendly competitors at…”
c. “Although I’m certain I could be of (some) assistance, there IS a company that specializes in your type of problem called…”

– – –

REMEMBER: If you want to be That Guy, position yourself as a resource.

How are you positioning yourself as a resource?

For a list called “153 Quotations to Inspire Your Success,” send an email to [email protected] and I’ll send you the list for free! (See, now THAT’S how you position yourself as a resource.)

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

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Tired of cold calling?
Bored with traditional prospecting approaches?

Buy Scott’s new book and learn how to sell enable people to buy!

Pick up your copy (or a case!) right here.

Writing is the Basis of All Wealth, Part 3

First, you write out a description of your perfect customer.
THAT will enable your Target Marketing Scanner to be on high alert.
Which will filter out the WRONG customers.
Which will make room to attract the RIGHT customers.
Which will enable you to focus your time and efforts on serving a specific niche.
Which will enable you to charge a higher fee, because people demand specialists.
Which will not only increase your bank account, but also earn you the FREEDOM to work according to your own pace and not have to kill yourself all the time.
Which will give you more free time to spend on non-work stuff.
Which will make you really, really happy.

Writing is the basis of all wealth.

Read part one and part two of this series!

What did YOU write today?

For the #1 way to avoid writer’s block, send an email to [email protected] and I’ll help you unblock yourself!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Want that customer to return with three of his friends?

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Writing is the Basis of All Wealth, Part 2

1. You start by posting a few dozen articles (better yet, a few HUNDRED articles!) on your website, blog or on
2. Thousands of people will read and share them.
3. Which will boost your Google rankings.
4. Which will make YOU the easy-to-find, obvious expert on your niche topic.
5. Which will cause media outlets to contact you for interviews (since Google is how they find their experts.)
6. Then, your media appearances can then be leveraged into your marketing materials, i.e., “Featured on 20/20!” or “Quoted in The Wall Street Journal!
7. Which will boost your credibility.
8. Which will support a higher fee.
9. Which will increase your bank account.

Writing is the basis of all wealth.

Read part one and part three of this series!

What did you write today?

For the #1 way to overcome writer’s thinker’s block, send an email to [email protected] and I’ll help you unblock yourself!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag

Tired of selling? Come to the St. Louis Business Expo and learn how to enable people to buy!

See Scott LIVE and a get a free copy of his new book, The Approachability Salesperson!

Writing is the Basis of All Wealth, Part 1

The more you write, the more material you have for your blog.
The more you blog, the more people will link to you.
The more people link to you, the greater your web presence becomes.
The greater your web presence becomes, the larger your WOM asset grows.
The larger your WOM asset grows, the more Google likes you.
The more Google likes you, the better your organic search rankings become.
The better your organic search rankings, the more mindshare you can create.
The more mindshare you create, the more you become That Guy.
The more you become That Guy; the more customers come to YOU pre-qualified.
The more customers that come to you pre-qualified, the lower your average sales cycle.
The lower your average sales cycle, the lower your marketing and client acquisition costs.
The lower your marketing and client acquisition costs, the more profit you can turn.

Writing is the basis of all wealth.

Read part two and part three and of this series!

What did you write today?

For the #1 way to overcome writer’s thinker’s block, send an email to [email protected] and I’ll help you unblock yourself!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag

I’m not a consultant. Nor a Coach. However, you CAN rent my brain!

No systems. No formulas. Just someone who (actually) listens, asks KILLER questions and facilitates creative breakthroughs. Rent Scott’s Brain today!

19 Ways to Build Buzz about Your New Website

Oscar Wilde once remarked, “The only thing worse than being talked about is NOT being talked about.”

So. Who’s talking about you?

Well, if you’re not happy with your answer, perhaps these practices, ideas and suggestions will help spread the word about your new website:

1. FIRST THINGS FIRST:Build remarkability into your ideas before they go public. Are you (already) worth making a remark about?

2. Give it away. If you want it to be viral, (some) of your content HAS to be free. What are YOU giving away?

3. Stop writing. Nobody’s going to read all that copy. Think images, not words. And keep it clean and above the fold. How are YOU using video?

4. Harness the power of ITunes. They have AMAZING marketing and reach a LOT of people that might not ever GO to your site. Podcasting – audio or video – is the key to reaching new audiences via web 2.0. How many people’s IPods are YOU on?

5. Use Digg and Delicious. Screw Oprah. Digg and Delicious are WAY more powerful (and a LOT less annoying) than her. Also, if someone comes to your website and doesn’t know what Social Bookmarking tool are, forget about it. Let the techies and bloggers who DO know what those buttons mean to use them to spread your message. Stop trying to educate the people who don’t “get” social networking. It’s not your job to convert them. Do people Digg you?

6. Use RSS. This is the PERFECT tool for building your permission asset. How many subscribers do YOU have?

7. Make it easy to share. Include boxes and buttons for link sharing, i.e., “Send this site to a friend” and embeddable HTML tags for videos, playlists and pictures. Are you making your website really, really easy to share?

8. REMEMBER: It’s not how many people come to your site, it’s WHO comes to your site. Eyeballs are overrated. So don’t get caught up in traffic, hits and the like. Are you focusing on the number of eyeballs or the RIGHT eyeballs?

9. People. Find raving fans that have big mouths, market to them and then get out of the way. How many fans do YOU have?

10. Build suspense. Whether you use an ezine, RSS feed or blog, have a countdown during the final month before launch. Build anticipation. For example, you could use a screen shot to drum up interest at the end of each blog post. Does anyone even KNOW about your new website?

11. Humor wins. Think about the last time you said or heard someone say: “Dude, you’ve GOT to check out this website!” More than likely, it’s because somebody, somewhere, was funny. What’s humorous about YOUR site?

12. Get ‘em at hello. Two seconds. That’s about how much time you have to convince someone that your website is worth telling her friends about. So, make sure it passes “The Cubicle Test,” i.e., If somebody walked by her coworker’s workspace, would she stop in tracks and say, “Hey, cool! What website is THAT?”

13. THREE WORDS: Other people’s traffic. What joint ventures are YOU working on?

14. Purpose. Don’t make it a website, make it a destination. Assure that people will actually stick around for more than 60 seconds. Make it community based and interactive through message boards, comments and other social networking tools. Keep the feedback loop constantly flowing. How frequently do people come BACK to your website?

15. Story. Make sure your site has a tab, box or content page that includes “Your Story.” After all, that’s all marketing is: storytelling. Because people don’t remember ads, they remember stories. NOTE: If possible, make “Your Story” a video. Let people see you doing what you do. Let people get to know you as a person, not a professional. What’s YOUR story?

16. User generated content. Enable customers to contribute and participate. Allow them to create their own profiles, accounts and usernames. Create a forum where they can discuss, share and upload their own pictures and videos with other users. They will take ownership of your website as their own and tell everyone they know. How are you giving your visitors a piece of the pie?

17. Simple. Simplicity is better, quicker, easier and most importantly, what customers crave. Could your website be explained to a five year-old?

18. Revisitability. Update new content at LEAST once a week, if not daily. This will bring people back again and again. REMEMBER: Websites are like newspapers – nobody wants to read them if they’re two years old. So, consider embedding a blog into the homepage. It works! If I had to do it again, my website and blog would be the same thing. When was the last time you updated YOUR content?

19. Ask yourself three questions. “What’s remarkable about my website?” “Why would someone come to (and stay at) my website for more than 60 seconds?” “Why would someone tell her friends about my website consistently?” Be honest. Are you evaluating your website objectively?

What’s your #1 tip for building buzz about your new website?

Share your secret here!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Who’s blogging about YOUR website?

Tune in to The Marketing Channel on!

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13 Killer Sales Questions Your Competitors Aren’t Asking

Questions are differentiators.

With prospects.
With customers
With total strangers!

So, if you want to become That Guy – and if you want to own the MAXIMUM amount of mindshare in your customers’ minds – start by asking better questions.

Now, by “asking BETTER questions,” I mean:

Asking dangerous questions.
Asking disturbing questions.
Asking dumb questions.
Asking guiding questions.
Asking judicious questions.
Asking killer questions.
Asking challenging question.
Asking penetrating questions.
Asking smarter questions.
Asking unexpected questions.
Asking upside-down questions.
Asking well-crafted questions.
Asking well-timed questions.

AND I PROMISE YOU: If you ask questions like THAT, your customers will form an impression of you as someone who is creative, intelligent, observant … and has BIG ears.

That will ENABLE them to buy from you.
That will ENTICE them to come back to you.
That will ENCOURAGE them to tell their friends about you.

Sound good?


So, I suggest you start by making a list called “Top Ten Most Common Questions Asked by a Salesperson in My Field.”

Whether it’s during a sales presentation, over the phone or at a networking event, identify the types of questions every other salesperson just like you is asking their prospects.

Examples might include textbook, unoriginal questions like, “How much are you currently spending on…?” or “How happy are you with you present suppliers?”

HERE’S WHY YOU DO THIS: Knowing what questions your prospects are used TO and tired OF being asked is a powerful sales weapon.

Because now all YOU have to do is NOT ask those questions!

(Well, that’s not all you have to do.) You ALSO need to keep an arsenal of killer questions yourself. And those questions need to be easily accessible.

So, that leads to the next step: creating another list.

Title this one, “Killer Sales Questions My Competitors Aren’t Asking.”

Think of the best, most creative and most original sales questions you’ve ever used or heard.

Questions that made customers smile.
Questions that caused customers to stop in their tracks.
Questions that enabled customers to share their needs and wants.

MY SUGGESTION: Spend a few hours searching through your notes, old emails, training manuals, on Google and in the books of your personal success library for the BEST questions you can find.

Over time, edit, update and review your list regularly. Keep it handy on your laptop, bulletin board and in your briefcase. (Or, if you want to be supremely dorky and O.C.D. like me, type out your best questions on a laminated card and keep it in your wallet for easy access.)

THE POINT IS: Cherish that list. It will become a powerful tool for differentiating yourself that will only get stronger over time.

And it will help you make sales forever.

And soon, people will be asking YOU for YOUR best sales questions!

Now, you probably noticed that the title of this article was “13 Killer Sales Questions Your Competitors Aren’t Asking.”

Well, I am a man of my word.

So, to finish up today’s post, I’m going to share my personal list with you.

NOTE: These questions were purposely left incomplete.

I did this so YOU could individually tailor these questions to your industry, customers and products.

So, think of them more as “prefixes” to your own unique questions. Fill them in however you wish. And feel free to use and share them with customers and coworkers today!

13 Killer Sales Questions Your Competitors Aren’t Asking

1. How are you making it difficult for your customers to…?
2. How are you making it easy for your customers to…?
3. How many customers are you losing by…?
4. What are the benefits you’d like to see as a result of…?
5. What are the bottlenecks in…?
6. What are the three biggest mistakes being made by…?
7. What do you think makes the difference between…?
8. What excuses are preventing you from…?
9. What one word do you want customers to use when describing…?
10. When someone comes to your website, what’s the ONE thing…?
11. When someone walks into your store, how do you want them…?
12. When was the first occasion you noticed…?
13. When was the last time you actually…?

REMEMBER: Questions ARE differentiators.

What’s your #1 killer sales question your competitors aren’t asking?

Post your question here!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

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