Please don’t tell me how to live my life, just love me
We assume that proselytizing and soapboxing will result in people rolling on their backs with their paws folded, waiting for us to rub their bellies. That if we can just finagle a way to steer the conversation in direction that satisfies our agenda, eventually, people will see the light and come to their senses and embrace our worldview. But as it turns out, most people don’t want to be…
Add a layer of intention and attention
Progress equals happiness. Even if you’re not certain where you want to go yet. Even if you don’t know what it will look like when you get there. At least you’re on the path. And that’s the most important thing. Because with any form of progress, be it dull or spectacular or somewhere in between, you automatically create earned feelings of joy and meaning and engagement and satisfaction. And…
Creating a wave of recovery to balance the scales
Anxiety is never a one size fits all experience. There are as many triggers, intensities, frequencies, responses, durations and forms of anxiety as there are people to experience them. And so, the question isn’t whether or not we become anxious. That bug bites each of us eventually. The question is how easily and quickly and effectively we calm down after becoming anxious. For example, I’ve had experiences where anxiety took…
Every profound innovation is based on an inward journey
Reacher once observed that that anything can be reverse engineered: If one human or group of humans put something together, then another human or group of humans can take it apart again. It’s a basic principle. All that’s required is empathy and thought and imagination. That’s why I keep an innovation journal. Been doing it for years. It’s an ongoing list of ideas for products, services, inventions, businesses, organizations and other…
These pills protect me from all of my feelings
I once overheard a psychiatrist say that she refused to be a shrink from the wrist down. Meaning, when her patient came through the door, she wouldn’t just default to writing scripts and pushing pills. Medication management certainly helped, but it wasn’t only house on the block. The overall goal was to achieve true healing by treating the whole person. And that required much more than just the doctor’s…
Spare people from your fundamentalism
Feel better knowing that you don’t have to save the world. That you don’t have to say something about everything. And that although you secretly hate people who don’t see what you want them to see, who don’t receive your gifts in the way that you want them to, the reality is, evangelism is not your occupation. You can’t assume anybody wants what you have. You weren’t put on…
We express our hearts, and that’s enough for people
Music is not a competition. There’s no winning or losing. It’s much more significant than that. Wooten’s inspiring parable about finding your song inside states it perfectly. Musicians do not have to be believed in. We do not have to be trusted. Our music speaks for itself without the listener having to know anything about us. Music touches people’s emotions in a way that nothing else can. And when people find a…
Plant an expectation, reap a disappointment
When I was seventeen, I auditioned for the school talent show. It was a terrifying moment in my adolescence. After all, I had never played my original songs for anyone, much less the music teacher and a bunch of fellow students. Vulnerability was at an all time high, and confidence was at an all time low. The good news is, I didn’t die. The audition went fine. And the…
I know what I like, and I let myself have all of it
Improv comedy is about saying yes to others, but also saying yes to yourself. Owning your choices and following your feelings and engaging with whatever arouses you and not backing away in shame and guilt just because you let yourself love something. That’s what makes you a good scene partner with yourself, so to speak. Instead of denying, you respect and listen and notice and treat each of your…
How quickly we return to the music
As I learned from my guitar teacher, everybody breaks strings, but being an artist is about how quickly you return to the music. If a string breaks and you suddenly lose your balance and scream out loud and smash your guitar to the ground and cut the concert short by twenty minutes, you lost. Because you allowed the moment to be bigger than you. But if a string breaks…