Approachable Managers: Lay a Foundation of Affirmation

Because acknowledgment is a universal human need, listening is (initially) about AFFIRMATION.

Making people feel valued, validated and important.

See, human beings shape their self-image based on how they are responded to by others.

For example:

o If someone grew up hearing messages like, “I don’t wanna hear it right now!” and “Stop asking so many questions!”

…it’s likely that she would develop a reticence when approaching people in the future.

o On other hand, if comments like, “Tell me more!” and “That’s a great question!” were ingrained into someone’s mind…

…his future level of approachability would be dramatically different.

For that reason, your (potential) influence as the listener is powerful.

So, you MUST take the opportunity to lay a foundation of affirmation. That way your employees will authentically open up to you.

AND REMEMBER: Even if you don’t care FOR, approve OF or agree WITH someone’s ideas, when they approach YOU in need of a bended ear, you job is to let them know tha you heard them.

Here’s a quick list of 8 Phrases That Payses to help affirm your speaker:

1. You’re raising an important issue.
2. Great question!
3. I’m really glad you brought that up.
4. When you said (x), that triggered the following thought for me…
5. I’m SO glad you asked that question.
6. Interesting point.
7. That is one option we will need to look at.
8. I was hoping you’d ask that question!

(If you need more, you could always consult your friendly affirmation ball.)

Verbiage like this is positive, approachable and affirming. And the best part is, it advances the conversation into a mutually shared space in which people feel safe to open up to you.

And THAT enables you to learn what’s going on with your employees, uncover problems and suggest solutions.

SO REMEMBER: Growing bigger ears is (first) about laying a foundation of affirmation.

How do you affirm your employees and team members?

Share your three best Phrases That Payses here!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Want your employees to open up to you?
Tune in to The Entrepreneur Channel on!

Watch video lessons on growing bigger ears!

How to become your own consultant

You probably don’t have the money to hire McKinsey.

But you still want to make your company more equitable, more profitable and more successful, right?


Well then, if you’re willing to invest your time and mental energy (but not so much money!) consider this option:

What if you became your OWN consultant?

I know. It sounds impossible.

After all, the whole point of hiring a consultant is to bring someone ELSE into your company, right?

Well, to a certain extent, yes.

However, the word “consultant” stems from the Latin consultare, which means, “To deliberate or consider.”

And you don’t necessarily need some MBA in a suit to do that for you.

Now, sure, I believe in The Outsider Advantage. And I believe there are lots of AMAZING consultants out there.

Heck, I even have a consulting department myself.

But I also believe that successful entrepreneurs learn how to practice objective deliberation on their own.

Because (most of) the answers lie within.

– – –

So, even though it’s not the same thing as brining in some suit from a Fortune 500, your company still can reap the benefits from a little self-consulting.

Especially if you do it regularly.

NOTE: I’m not suggesting you abandon your relationships with mentors, advisors and other members of your professional support system. Nor am I suggesting that self-consulting is a replacement for that support system.

I merely implore you to consider yourself as your company’s most valuable consultative resource.

That being said, let’s explore a list of five practices to help you become your own consultant.

1. Begin with objectivity. The primary value of hiring an outside consultant is BECAUSE she comes from The Outside. This means she has little or no bias. This means she can deliver independent thought. And this means she can recognize patterns immediately.

Obviously, this is a LOT harder to do when it’s just you. Especially since you’re so close to the situation.

So, your challenge is to operate on multiple planes of consciousness. To avoid emotional reactivity. To detach yourself so you can objectively and honestly consider your own criticism.

Kind of like Michael Gerber suggests in The E-Myth: “You need to be the creator, the manager and the technician … simultaneously.”

ASK YOURSELF: Are you willing to step back and examine your company’s challenges calmly and objectively?

2. U-NEED-2-READ. Every single day, spend at least fifteen minutes reading, annotating and studying books that facilitate self-exploration. Books that ask you questions. Books that challenge you. Books that make you sit back and think.

Consider these titles to get your success library started. I’ve personally had breakthrough moments of company knowledge with each one:

o The Aladdin Factor
o Flight Plan
o The Mentor’s Spirit
o Ordering Your Private World
o Questions that Work
o Thinking for a Change

Also, once you’ve marked up your books, the next step is to customize a personal system for transcribing your thoughts. I suggest recopying or summarizing your notes, keeping them in a folder – physically or virtually – and revisiting them regularly. This will keep those self-consultative thoughts fresh in your mind.

ASK YOURSELF: How many books did you read last month?

3. Ask the right questions. Questions are the basis of all knowledge, understanding and creativity. And if you want to be your own consultant, remember that questions are the answer.

So, I suggest doing three things.

First, consider 3-5 vital areas of your business. Everything from marketing to sales to blogging to managing employees.

Next, make a list of pointed, specific and penetrating questions that correspond to each “department.”

Then, ask away!

Now, each book mentioned in the previous example has a WEALTH of great questions. But, if you’re still not sure what to ask, no worries! Here are a few mini lists to get you started:

o How much are you promoting your own personal agenda?
o Can you clearly define what you are a steward of?
o Have you considered other alternatives to this value and explored them fully?

o How are you creating a non-threatening workplace?
o How are you creating a question-friendly atmosphere?
o How do you create an environment in the workplace that encourages the generation and application of your best ideas?

o How are you allowing customers to participate in your brand?
o How are you building a following?
o How are you building a permission asset?

o Are you using informational, value-added follow-up?
o Do you know where your leads are coming from?
o Are you spending more time educating potential customers on the benefits of your service, or telling them why you are better than the competition?

o What “little things” made a big impact on your business?
o What are the best people in your field doing?
o What are the most important things for you to work on that will grow your business the fastest?

4. Hit the page. If you are TRULY serious about becoming your own consultant, the most important practice you can undertake is writing. Especially since you’ve already been reading great books and asking great questions, writing is the logical next step!

“Yeah, but I’m not a writer,” you say.

Yes you are. Everyone is a writer. Writing is the basis of all wealth.

So, here are my three best suggestions for using the practice of writing to become your own consultant:

o Learn to do Morning Pages, the best writing/creativity exercise in the world!

o After asking your questions from example #3, put each your answers in writing. Store your document according to topic in a folder called, “Consulting Me.”

o For any other form of writing you do (as it pertains to consulting yourself), make lists. Lists for everything! And why? Well, consider these 43 reasons.

ASK YOURSELF: What did you write today?

5. Let everything mentor you. OK, we’ve talked about detachment, reading, questioning and writing as four effective practices to help you become your own consultant. For our final example, here’s another self-consultative exercise you can use throughout your day when you’re NOT reading, writing or questioning.

Let’s go back to that list of books for a sec. One in particular, The Mentor’s Spirit, has a FANTASTIC philosophy about self-consulting. Author Marsha Sinetar suggests that you “search out the mentor’s spirit in everyone and everything.” A few other great keepers from her book include:

o “Don’t be afraid of being a little unreasonable with yourself.”
o “Value silence for creative discovery and personal renewal.”
o “We grow by living with our questions, not by having all the answers.”
o “Search each current and particle of existence for truth.”

ASK YOURSELF: How can I let this experience, person or thing mentor me?

– – –

REMEMBER: If you’re willing to invest your time and mental energy, acting as your own consulting CAN pay off BIG time.

It will increase your self-knowledge.
Which will increase your confidence.
Which will increase your company’s equity.
Which will increase your company’s profitability.

And you won’t even need to hire someone from McKinsey!

How do serve as your own consultant?

For a copy of my Top 100 Self-Consultative Questions, send an email to [email protected] and I’ll send you the list for free!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

How many unsolicited referrals did YOU get this week?

Tune in to The Sales Channel on!

Watch video lessons on enabling customers to buy!

Your company environment IS your marketing

When I was a kid, my dad would occasionally take my brother and I along on his business trips.

Whenever he worked in Chicago, we’d stay at the Hyatt Regency in Rosemont.

Or, as we used to call it, “The Spicy Peanut Hotel.”

And to this day, we still call it that.

Because that’s what I remember. See, every night after my dad would finish work, my family and I would sit in the lobby, eating spicy peanuts.

So one night, I got curious.

“Hey Dad, why do they always give us free spicy peanuts?”

“Well, Scott, think about it,” Dad said, “What happens when you eat LOTS of spicy peanuts?”

“Um … your mouth breathes fire!” I said.

“Right,” he joked. “And what does that make you want really, really badly?”

“A soda!”

“Exactly,” Dad replied. “And where do they sell sodas?”

“In the bar!”

He smiled at me.

And at that exact moment, my first official marketing light bulb went on.

Ah-ha! They give away spicy peanuts for FREE so you have to BUY drinks! Genius!!

Of course, I was only seven at the time.

Had no idea I’d end up working in Marketing.

Anyway, 20+ years later, the principle still rings true:

Your company environment IS part of your marketing.

Here’s another example…

Last summer I was walking over to Starbucks for a meeting.

It was 97 degrees outside.

“Would you like a drink to go with your lemon pound cake?” asked the barista.

“Nah, it’s too hot for coffee. I’ll just grab a glass of ice water,” I replied.

So, I sat down with my snack, fired up my laptop and waited for my friend Dan.

And not ten minutes later, I stopped typing and realized something:

It was FREEZING in that store!

They must have set the thermostat at 55 degrees! I thought.

Either way, I got up from my table, approached the counter and smiled at the two baristas.

“So, do you guys make it REALLY cold in here so people buy hot drinks?”

They laughed.

“Well, our manager controls the temperature, so…” one of the girls chuckled.

“Mmm hmm…” I joked. “A likely story!”

They laughed again.

“Anyway, I’ll have a Grande Carmel Apple Cider.”

Damn it! They got me again! I thought.

Just like those spicy peanuts.

Your company environment IS part of your marketing.

Last example…

On Main Street in Disney’s Magical Kingdom, you might recall a store called Blue Ribbon Bakery.

Did you notice the smell of fresh chocolate chip cookies as you passed by?

Of course you did. Who could miss it?

But, did you know…

…those weren’t actually cookies?

Nope. Disney’s smell specialists have crafted a “fresh-baked chocolate cookie” smell that is piped through a vent directly over the door to the bakery.

Blast! Those slick marketers again!

– – –

So, peanuts, cold air, the scent of baked goods … each of these are examples of marketing through environment.

And they work.

Because they appeal to the senses.
Because they affect customers’ emotions.
Because they make the mundane memorable.
Because they create UNFORGETTABLE impressions.

REMEMBER: Your company environment IS part of your marketing.

How are you changing your company’s environment to promote purchasing?

Share your best “marketing through environment” example here!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

How are YOU making the mundane memorable?

Tune in to The Frontline Channel on for video lessons on delivering UNFORGETTABLE service!

NametagTV: Ideas Mean Nothing!

Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9!

(Click here for the original link to this video.)

Did you register the domain for your new idea yet?

For the #1 way to prevent idea blocks, email [email protected] and I’ll share the secret!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Training videos putting your staff to sleep?

Tune in to for an interactive learning experience!

Stick yourself out there!

The IF Factor

Entrepreneurs need to be aware of seven truths, trends and realizations.

I call it “The IF Factor.”

Here goes…

1. IF … everybody loves your idea, you’re doing something wrong.
Stop trying to please everybody. Stop trying to be so well rounded. Stop trying to appeal to the masses.

Pick a lane, narrow your focus and start polarizing some people. It won’t kill you.

REMEMBER: There’s a LOT of customers out there.

2. IF … everybody says you’re crazy, you might just be onto something.
They’re just jealous. Or threatened. Or ignorant. Don’t let the haters get you down. Some people just aren’t worth listening to.

Neitzche said: “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be crazy by those who could not hear the music.”

REMEMBER: People thought Einstein, Edison, Lambert, Ford, Jobs and Gates were crazy! And last time I checked, those guys turned out pretty good.

3. IF … you’re not pissing off (some) people, you’re not doing your job.
Make some waves. Controversy is good. Don’t be afraid to take a side. Have the courage to stand out and stand up for what you believe.

REMEMBER: Feather-ruffling and boat-rocking are good things.

4. IF … at first your idea doesn’t sound absurd, there is no hope for it.
Think of all the great ideas, inventions and innovations that were once laughed at or thought stupid and inefficient: the airplane, the personal computer and the cell phone.

Ha! It’s human nature. That which stands out gets criticized.

As Peter Drucker said, “Anything truly new that looks big is indeed usually distrusted.”

REMEMBER: If people say your idea is far-fetched, consider it a compliment. An omen. A sign of good things to come.

5. IF … nobody’s trying to steal, copy or parody your idea, it’s probably not that good.
The entire soft drink industry was created because everybody kept trying to steal Coke’s recipe.

What are people trying to steal from you?

REMEMBER: The only thing worse than someone trying to steal your idea is NOBODY WANTING to steal your idea.

6. IF … you can’t explain it to a five year old, it’s not simple enough.
We live in a hyperspeed, A.D.D., instant gratification culture. People don’t have the time or attention to sit and figure out what you’re selling.

You need to (kindly) punch them in the face.

You only have a few seconds and a few words. A kindergartener should be able to tell her friends about your idea.

REMEMBER: Customers crave simplicity!

7. IF … people aren’t talking about your idea, you’re in trouble.
Plain and simple: businesses that get talked about get more business. Remarkability wins. And word of mouth is the most authentic, effective and powerful form of marketing in the world.

What’s more, “satisfaction” is no longer enough. This isn’t 1989! “Customer satisfaction” proves NOTHING. Satisfied customers don’t tell their friends about you. Only loyal (or, hopefully, INSISTENT) fans (not even customers) tell their friends about you.

So, remember what Oscar Wilde said: “The only thing worse than being talked about is NOT being talked about.”

REMEMBER: Get noticed = Get remembered = Get business.

What’s your “IF Factor”?

Share it here!

Who’s telling their friends about YOUR company?

Tune in to The Entrepreneur Channel on!

Watch video lessons on getting attracting more business!

What does your email say about YOU?

Email addresses are VERY telling.

About your personality.
About your creativity and uniqueness.
About your professionalism (or lack thereof).

What’s more, email addresses elicit certain emotions when people first see them.

Let’s look at a few examples.

NOTE: None of these emails are actually real (to my knowledge). I just made them up. However, if any of them ARE real, I don’t mean to offend anybody. My apologies to Kayla.

1. [email protected]


o “He’ll never write me back!”
o “Great. Does this email even go to a real person?”
o “Well, so much for getting my problem answered quickly!”

2. [email protected]


o “Who still uses AOL?”
o “Who the heeck is Kayla?”
o “I bet SHE works from home…”

3. [email protected]


o “Wait, are two people going to read this email I’m about to send?”
o “Why can’t Steve and Mary get separate email addresses?”
o “Will the privacy of my letter be violated?”

4. [email protected]


o “Do I really want to do business with someone who has an email like this?”
o “Can’t this guy get a company email, or does he just sell junk cars from his back yard?”

5. [email protected]


o “What does 783 mean?”
o “Is Dave so lazy and uncreative that he needed Hotmail to create his email address FOR him? And is that the kind of person I want to do business with?”
o “Who still uses Hotmail?”

6. m_876#[email protected]


o “Is this spam?”
o “Is this even a real email address?”
o “Whose email is this?”

7. [email protected]


o “If this lady was such a ‘killer’ artist, wouldn’t she have her own website, and not have to use SBC?”
o “Kind of an uncreative email address for a ‘super creative artist,’ huh?”
o “Wait, what was her actual name again?”

– – –

Look folks.

Email addresses don’t need to be works of art.

But at the same time, they don’t need to be boring.

So, evaluate the perception of yours. Ask yourself how professional, accurate and unique your email address REALLY is, and what the first impression is when someone sees it for the first time.

What does your email say about YOU?

Post a list right here called, “Types of Email Addresses that Really Annoy Me,” along with the PSD’s (Potential Silent Dialogues) that accompany each one.

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Do you have MARKET share or MIND share?

Tune in to The Marketing Channel on for video lessons on creating unforgettable brands that magnetize more business!

Be SO good that customers can’t even tell

Walk into any Lush store around the world, and most customers will have the same response:

“These guys are SO good, their soaps don’t even look like soap!”

When was the last time YOU took a picture of SOAP?

Probably never.

But the people at Lush are just THAT good.

Tune in to The Ace of Cakes on Food Network (Staring culinary arr-teest Duff Goldman), and most viewers will share the same thought:

“That dude his SO good, his cakes don’t even look like cakes!

When was the last time YOU took a picture of a CAKE?

Unless it was a wedding, probably never.

But Charm City Cakes are just THAT good.

LESSON LEARNED: As Michael Cane said, “The art is hiding the art.”

That’s great advice.

And I think you can apply this principle to a variety of situations:

CREATE marketing that’s SO fun, SO cool and SO participative…
That your fans don’t even realize you’re marketing to them.

SELL your stuff with SUCH passion, SUCH comfort and SUCH service…
That your prospects don’t even realize you’re selling to them.

PERFORM sp effortlessly, SO naturally and SO emotionally…
That your audience doesn’t even realize you’re performing for them.

WRITE so engagingly, SO well-architected and with SO much personality…
That your readers don’t even realize they’re reading.

BUILD community that’s SO organic, SO authentic and SO inviting…
That your members don’t even realize they’re members of an organization.

NOTE: This doesn’t mean tricking, duping or manipulating people.

It just means being really, really good and doing what you do.

That’s what being That Guy is all about.

So good that people get lost in your brilliance and don’t even realize you’re doing what you do.

Never let ‘em catch you acting.

Who do YOU know that’s so good at doing what they do, people can’t even tell?

Share your best example here!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

How are YOU making the mundane memorable?

Tune in to The Frontline Channel on for video lessons on creating and keeping satisfied insistent customers!

6 Ways to Put Customers, Coworkers and Employees Ease

Calm is approachable.

So, if you want to become more approachable to others, start by being calmer yourself.

See, when you’re at ease with yourself, other people will feel the same. And as a result, they will feel more comfortable in your presence, which will make them more comfortable opening up.

THINK ABOUT IT: Do you really want to approach (or be approached by) someone who is overly stressed, constantly worried, jerky or pacing back and forth?


IN FACT, THINK ABOUT THIS: Who’s the calmest, most relaxed and peaceful person you know?

That person’s probably pretty approachable, huh?

SO, THE SECRET IS: To put others at ease, start with yourself.

Your challenge is to incorporate calmness into various aspects of your daily life; then allow it to transfer to the people you encounter. Here’s a list of six practices to help you do so:

1. Daily Appointments with Yourself. Take 30-60 minutes every morning to do nothing other than think, relax and just BE. Focus on your breathing, read positive materials, practice affirmations and listen to great music.

This will prime your brain to face the day with calmness and peace. For a step-by-step guide on how to have a Daily Appointment, read this.

2. Incorporate breathing into EVERYTHING. My friend Robert Friedman, an expert on stress solutions, teaches people to incorporate mindful breathing into every aspect of their lives. He suggests being more mindful of your breathing during mundane activities like reading, writing, opening doors and before answering the phone.

“By increasing oxygen level and Alpha Wave flow to your brain,” Robert says, “You relax your mind, body and spirit,” he explains.

3. Affirmation. If you feel hurried, impatient or fidgety during the day, take a minute or two to affirm to yourself, “There are no emergencies,” or “I am enough, I do enough, I have enough.” This will build a foundation of calmness throughout your soul that can’t help but be contagious to the people you interact with.

And if you think affirmations are cheesy, you’re right. They are. But that doesn’t mean they don’t work 😉

4. Meditation. Don’t be intimidated by this word. You don’t have to be a Yogi Master or a Tibetan Monk to practice meditation. In fact, the word is defined as, “continued or extended thought or reflection.” And it comes from the Latin word “to contemplate.”

So, find periods in your day where you can be silent, mindful and reflective … by yourself. Anywhere from five to twenty minutes should be enough to calm you down.

5. Silence. Because of our “always on,” hyperspeed, information overload culture, silence is difficult for a lot of people. However, what you’ll discover is that silence is an important tool for projecting approachability. Here’s how it works:

o The more you practice silence alone, the more comfortable you will be during silence with others.
o The more comfortable silence is with others, the safer the atmosphere becomes.
o The safer the atmosphere becomes, the more likely you are to share your authentic feelings, concerns and questions.

How much silent time have YOU taken today?

6. Exercise. First of all, if you’re not already exercising every single day, you’re NUTS! More specifically, people who do so every day are calmer because they have an outlet to release their tensions, stresses and anxieties.

Even if it means walking for 15 minutes a day, do it! It’s not only essential for your health; it’s also a contributor to your calmness throughout the rest of the day.

REMEMBER: Calm is approachable.

So, if you want to put customers, coworkers and employees at ease, start with yourself!

How do you put yourself at ease?

Share your techniques and best practices here!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Going on a sales call today?

Tune in to The Sales Channel on!

Watch video lessons on selling enabling customers to buy!

Scott Ginsberg launches, an Online Training Network!

Video not working? Click here for Adobe Flash 9!

– – –

After 15 months of HARD work, today is the official launch of my latest project! is the world’s ONLY Online Training Network that teaches approachability!

For example…

Want your customers and guests to be INSISTENT?

Tune in to the The Approachable Frontline channel for video lessons on delivering unforgettable service!

Ready to enable customers to BUY?

Tune in to The Approachable Salesperson channel for video lessons about getting customers to come to you!

Want to get people buzzing about YOU?

Tune in to The Approachable Marketer channel for video lessons on leveraging your remarkability!

Growing your small business

Tune in to The Approachable Entrepreneur channel to magnetize employees AND customers!

REMEMBER: In order to watch NametagTV, you will need to download Adobe Flash 9.

It’s fast, free and totally worth it. Download it right here!

Stick yourself out there.

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

Still bummed out about the Writer’s Strike?

Tune in to for an interactive learning experience!

How to Kill Two Stones with One Bird, Part 1

THE essential word in entrepreneurship is leverage.

It means, “To increase the rate of return from an investment.”

And it’s not just something you do.

Leveraging is an attitude.

A lifestyle. A pattern of thinking. An approach to business.

Always thinking about what’s next.
Always creating with the end in mind.
Always transforming your thoughts to things.

AFTER ALL: Ideas are free. But execution is priceless.

That’s what makes entrepreneurs successful — they learn how to transform even the smallest events, situations, experiences or ideas into breakthroughs.

IN SHORT: They always kill two stones with one bird.

That’s right. You read it correctly. Two stones, one bird.

So, today will be the first in a series of posts about leveraging. I’ll do my best to write a new one (roughly) once a week.

NOTE: For future reference, you can keep up with this post series at

– – –

Now, in my experience, I’ve found leveraging to be a function of QREATIVITY; that is, asking yourself constant, creative questions.

So, here’s your list of Leverage Questions for today:

1. Where can you create the most leverage? This basic question lays a foundation of expansion and growth that will help you kill two stones with one bird with every idea, situation or experience.

Again, the word leverage means, “To increase the rate of return on an investment.” So, whether it’s an investment of time, energy, capital or attention, there’s always SOME way you can leverage it.

REMEMBER: Ideas mean NOTHING without leverage.

2. Are you recognizing when life is giving you a gift? Part of being the luckiest person you know realizing that you’ve been lucky. Paying attention. Plucking from the world around you. Noticing when opportunities are presenting themselves and immediately responding to them.

So, from ideas to people to situations, never forget to give thanks for all these great gifts life gives you! That way, life gives you more of them! See, the universe is participative. That which you appreciate appreciates.

REMEMBER: Success doesn’t come unpartnered. Recognize that you’re not alone and show appreciation for the gifts you’ve been given.

3. Are you saving your bad ideas for later? Bad doesn’t mean always “terrible.” It COULD simply mean “bad timing.”

Keep your unused ideas around, just in case. Revisit them regularly. You never know, something that sucked five years ago might be GOLD today!

REMEMBER: Even bad ideas have their place.

4. Did you buy the domain first? The word domain comes from the Latin dominium, which means “property.”

LESSON LEARNED: The minute you get a great idea, register the website.

Even if you’re totally broke.
Even if you’re not sure if your idea will work.
Even if you’re years away from the final product.

Buy the domain.

Websites are the new real estate.

REMEMBER: He who owns the domain owns the idea.

5. Did you google it first? Before you get too carried away with your new idea, you should probably google it first. Just to make sure someone else hasn’t already thought of it. Cheapest and most effective market research in the world!

REMEMBER: If it doesn’t exist on Google, it’s yours for the taking.

6. How can you do the work once and benefit many times? This is the key to duplication, multiplication and ultimately, replacing yourself.

You need to build a foundation.

Now, maybe that means writing. Or setting up systems. Or making a business process self-sufficient. Whatever you do, constantly ask yourself, “How can I do the work once and benefit many times?”

REMEMBER: Take yourself out of the equation.

7. How can you make this into your own? Because there’s nothing new under the sun, the key differentiator is process.

Delivery. Voice. Medium, not message.

That’s why you need to “notice things and give them names,” as Seth Godin explains.

Observe, watch, read, pluck and listen to your environment. Content is just BEGGING to be captured! You need to create names, designations and titles for the things you notice. They must be original, creative and consistent with the branding of your content and philosophies.

REMEMBER: Don’t copy, don’t imitate – put your own spin on it.

Read part two of this series!

What’s your best Leverage Question?

Share it here!

* * * *
Scott Ginsberg
That Guy with the Nametag
[email protected]

…tomorrow goes ON AIR!

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